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03 Prepare the server on DigitalOcean (or whatever)

Vincent Fabre edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Be sure you have a ssh-key

  • If you DO NOT already have an ssh-key on your local machine in ~/.ssh, do
$ ssh-keygen


  • Register your key (cat ~/.ssh/ within your DigitalOcean project if not already done (settings->security).

Create a new droplet (or server if not DigitalOcean)

Choose "docker on Ubuntu" as an OS on the 'Marketplace', and the size of server you want.

Create a non-root user on the server

  • then:
$ ssh root@<IP adress>
$ adduser <user>
$ usermod -aG sudo <user>
$ user -aG docker <user>
mkdir -p /home/<user>/.ssh
touch /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
nano /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • open a second terminal and:
cat ~/.ssh/
  • Copy/paste the output of this command in the nano editor of the distant terminal, save it, and close this local terminal.

  • In the distant terminal, still logged in:

ssh <user>@<IP adress>
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-compose
sudo apt upgrade -y # may be long and ask a few default choices

You can now log in the server with ssh as a normal user :)

Set the firewall of the server

sudo ufw app list
sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status

Add a key for github

sudo ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Github Deploy Key"
# then leave the default locations, and blank password (useless)
sudo cp /root/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/
cat ~/.ssh/

Copy the output, go in the github repository, "setting/deploy keys", "+add a deploy key" paste the key, and name it.

git clone

In git repository, copy the clone link

then on the server:

sudo git clone
cd <project folder>

sudo cp .env-sample .env
sudo nano .env
# edit the .env file

Read carefully each line of the .env file and set them up before going further.