Theme for the Lapce editor
Includes a number of icons from multiple different packs a list can be seen in the credits. The vase majority of these icons have been re-colored to more pastel shades. The colors are based on the "Livley Pastel" theme from the Pastel Collection color schemes
There may be some icons missing if that is the case let me know and I will update the plugin
panekj for making the material icons theme, a lot of this theme is based on that as well as the layout for the repo
- Material Icons
- VSCode Icons
- Elusive Icons
- Gitlabs SVG
- Feather Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- Material Design Icons
- Devicon Plain
- Akar Icons
- IcoMoon Free
- Font Awsome 4
- Fontisto
- Remix Icon
- CoreUI Brands
- Simple Icons
- Octicons
- MingCute Icons