Software Engineer Metrics
- scm-gitlab-baseurl
- scm-gitlab-token
- victoriametrics-importurl
- check-interval
Download binary from releases
./swed --scm-gitlab-baseurl=https://your-domain-name/api/v4 \
--scm-gitlab-token=TOKEN \
--victoriametrics-importurl=http://localhost:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus \
docker run --rm --name=swed c1982/swed \
--scm-gitlab-baseurl=https://your-domain-name/api/v4 \
--scm-gitlab-token=TOKEN \
--victoriametrics-importurl=http://localhost:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus \
Note: Firstly enter your gitlab variables in config.env file
git clone
cd swe-dashboard/docker
docker-compose --env-file ./config.env up
If you want to run the daemon as a service, you can use the following commands:
- edit .swed.config file for your system
- mkdir /opt/swed
- cd /opt/swed
- copy .swed-config /opt/swed
- copy swed binary to /opt/swed
chmod +x /opt/swed/swed
- copy .swed.config to /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable swed.service
systemctl start swed.service
- watch for errors
journalctl -u swed.service -f
Delete time series;
curl http://localhost:8428/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]=METRIC_NAME
Clear Cache;
- Cycletime
- Time to Open
- Time to Review
- Time to Approve
- Time to Merge
- Friday MRs/PRs
- Long-Running MRs/PRs
- MRs/PRs Comments LeaderBoard
- MRs/PRs Participants LeaderBoard
- MRs/PRs Rates
- MRs/PRs Sizes
- MRs/PRs Throughput
- Self-Merging MRs/PRs
- Developer Turnover Rate
- Unreviewed MRs/PRs
- Review Coverage
- Defect Rate
- MRs/PRs Success Rate
- Active Contributors
- Additin/Deletion Lines of Code
- ART Asset Iterations
- ART Asset Iteration Ratio
- ART Asset Iteration Hours
- Gitlab Community Edition
- GitHub (implemented, not tested)
- Victoriametrics
TODO: image
TODO: image
TODO: image
TODO: image
TODO: image