C64 FDD For Fun
- Schematics
- Firmware
- Information.
- Serial Bus information
- C64 IEC DIN-6 Female connector
Pin | Name | Description
1 | SRQ | Serial Service Request In
2 | GND | Ground
3 | ATN | Serial Attention In/Out
4 | CLK | Serial Clock In/Out
5 | DATA | Serial Data In/Out
6 | RESET | Serial Reset
All signals are active low.
SRQ: Serial Service Request In
This signal is not used on the C64. On C128 it is replaced with Fast Serial Clock for the 1571 disk drive.
ATN: Serial Attention In/Out
Sending any byte with the ATN line low (sending under attention) causes it to be interpreted as a Bus Command for peripherals on the serial bus.
When the C64 brings this signal LOW, all other devices start listening for it to transmit an address. The device addressed must respond in a preset period of time; otherwise, the C64 will assume that the device addressed is not on the bus, and will return an error in the STATUS word.
Usually, the address byte will be followed by one to two commands for the device addressed, meaning the secondary address and channel on the peripheral. Such a command can be one of the following:
CLK: Serial Clock In/Out
This signal is for timing the data sent on the serial bus. This signal is always generated by the active TALKER. RISING EDGE OF THE CLOCK means data bit is valid.
DATA: Serial Data In/Out
Data on the serial bus is transmitted bit by bit at a time on this line.
RESET: Serial Reset
You may disconnect this line to save your disk drive. The easiest way is to do that on the cable, thus avoiding any modifications on your peripherals.
CLK |____|~~~~| Ts Bit Set-up time
: Ts : Tv : Tv Bit Valid time
|<--------- Byte sent under attention (to devices) ------------>|
___ ____ _____ _____
ATN |________________________________________________________|
: :
___ ______ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ :
CLK : |_____| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |______________ _____
: : : : :
: Tat : :Th: Tne : : Tf : Tr :
____ ________ : : :___________________________________:____:
DATA ___|\\\\\__:__| |__||__||__||__||__||__||__||__| |_________ _____
: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :
: : :
: : Data Valid Listener: Data Accepted
___ _______________________________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ ________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
CLK _| |_| |______| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_______|_
: : : : :
:Tf:Tbb:Th:Tye:Tei:Try: :Tf :Tfr:
____ __________: : :___: :_______________________________________: :_
DATA |__||__| |______| |___| : |___|_
6 7 : : : : : :
MSB : : : : : Talker Sending :
: : : : Listener READY-FOR-DATA System
: : : EOI-Timeout Handshake Line Release
: : Listener READY-FOR-DATA
: Talker Ready-To-Send
___ _________________________________________________________
ATN _____________|
___ ___ ___ : _____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
CLK _| |_| |_________| |___| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_____
: : : : : : :
:Tf:Tr:Ttk:Tdc:Tda:Th:Try: :Tf :
____ __________: : : : :_______________________________________:
DATA |__||__| |_________________| :|__||__||__||__||__||__||__||__| |_
6 7 : : : : : : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MSB : : : : : :LSB MSB
: : : : : :
: : : : : : Data Valid
: : : : : Listener READY-FOR-DATA
: : : : Talker Ready-To-Send
: : : Device acknowledges it's now TALKER.
: : Becomes LISTENER, Clock = High, Data = Low
: Talker Ready-To-Send
___ _____________________________________________________________________
___ _________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________ ___ ___
CLK ____| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_______| |_| |_| |_
: : : : :
:Th :Tne: :Tf :Tbb:Th:Tne:
____ : :___:___________________________________: :_____________
DATA ________| :|__||__||__||__||__||__||__||__| |______|
: : : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :
: : :LSB MSB :
: : : :
: : : TALKER SENDING Listener: Data Accepted
Description | Symbol | Min | Typ | Max
ATN Response (required) 1) | Tat | - | - | 1000us
Listener Hold-Off | Th | 0 | - | oo
Non-EOI Response to RFD 2) | Tne | - | 40us | 200us
Bit Set-Up Talker 4) | Ts | 20us | 70us | -
Data Valid | Tv | 20us | 20us | -
Frame Handshake 3) | Tf | 0 | 20 | 1000us
Frame to Release of ATN | Tr | 20us | - | -
Between Bytes Time | Tbb | 100us | - | -
EOI Response Time | Tye | 200us | 250us| -
EOI Response Hold Time 5) | Tei | 60us | - | -
Talker Response Limit | Try | 0 | 30us | 60us
Byte-Acknowledge 4) | Tpr | 20us | 30us | -
Talk-Attention Release | Ttk | 20us | 30us | 100us
Talk-Attention Acknowledge | Tdc | 0 | - | -
Talk-Attention Ack. Hold | Tda | 80us | - | -
EOI Acknowledge | Tfr | 60us | - | -
- If maximum time exceeded, device not present error.
- If maximum time exceeded, EOI response required.
- If maximum time exceeded, frame error.
- Tv and Tpr minimum must be 60us for external device to be a talker.
- Tei minimum must be 80us for external device to be a listener.
Rear view of the C64 connector (female connector)
< BROWN > _____ < YELLOW >
(DATA) ----- / \ ---- SRQ
/ O O \
N/C | |
--|--- O |
CLK ----- | O O | ---- GND
< BLACK > \ O / < BROWN >
ATN (2nd test PIN on the left)
< BLUE >