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A very basic mobile app that made with flutter.

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  • It's an app that allows you to save your contacts and their numbers.
  • You can edit names and numbers in your contact list.
  • Your data is securely stored within the app.
  • The app efficiently manages and stores your data with almost no limits.
  • The app is coded in Flutter, with every error fixed.
  • It does not connect to any external database or network.
  • It saves your data on your own device

  • Screenshots

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    How it works

    As we discussed before, this app saves user data on their local device. The data app stores are list of contacts and background color.

    This is possible with shared preferences package. This package allows developers to store data in local device.

    Let's look at an example here:

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    But it's always better to make code better. Let's create a class that will handle these for us:

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    But, this can give us error sometimes. For example, if we don't set a value for tag 'name' and try to get it, this will give us an error. So, it's preferred to use it in a try & catch block:

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    Other important thing that helped me build this app is url launcher package. This package allows us to redirect user to different pages.

    Now, you maybe asked that why do i need to send user to a website? Actually, i don't. This package can redirect to different apps on mobile. The One I Used is 'tel'. This tag redirects to phone app in mobile devices which user can call the number of contact.

    Here's an example:

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    Now, in app we can see that contacts are stored like : '$(name) + " : " + $(number)'. So, we'll have to extract number from that string:

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    Made by ~cM

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