Mammary cell shape computation over time with Trackmate-Cellpose
This code was used to analyse intravital microscopy data of single mammary gland cells in mice in puberty, adulthood and pregnancy.
Associated publication: Dawson, Milevskiy et al. Cell Reports, 2024, Hormone-responsive progenitors have a unique identity and exhibit high motility during mammary morphogenesis.
The MaSCOT-AI Cellpose model has been deposited on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.14503476) 2D single channel maximum projections from 4D intravital movies have also been deposited on Zenodo, along with the extracted 5th time points used for training and the segmentation files. I will also upload a folder of example movies and the resulting data exported from Trackmate-Cellpose.
Movies were acquired using an Olympus-FVMPRS system with a 25x objective and 1.5 zoom at 512x512 pixels and 2 µm z-step.
Custom filters for Confetti fluorescent protein detection are described in the paper.
See our protocol also:
- Dawson, C.A., Mueller, S.N., Lindeman, G.J. et al. Intravital microscopy of dynamic single-cell behavior in mouse mammary tissue. Nat Protoc 16, 1907–1935 (2021).
The original 4D movies were stabilised by a combination of 4D cell tracking and 'Correct 3D drift' in Imaris in FIJI with HyperStackReg 350 2D movies of single cell spans (10-15 µm) were generated manually by 3D crop in Imaris, then flattened by maximum projection in FIJI
The MasCOT-AI model was trained in Cellpose 2 on 150 still images (the fifth time point from a representative sample of movies). Training was initialised with the CP model and automatic cell size determination.
Analyse 2D movies with the Cellpose model within Trackmate to connect cell measurements over time, then extract and visualise meaningful information.
Python script: Trackmate-Cellpose
Incorporates the MaSCOT-AI model into Trackmate and loops through tiff time lapses to export various cell shape descriptors as csv
Based on:
R script: 1 Read and split Trackmate-Cellpose data MaSCOT-AI
Compiles all cell timelines for each measurement in large nested lists
R script: 2 Unnest and transform Trackmate-Cellpose data MaSCOT-AI
Rearranges the lists into a simple table so that each row represents a cell with an ID, sample label and measurements over time.
Excel file: MaSCOT-AI_ellipse_aspectratio_analysis
Example of data analysis including:
- Extraction of cell tracks representative of percentiles
- Running average calculation
- Measuring peak frequency
Thanks for your interest and please get in touch @calebadawson (X/Twitter)