In this workshop, we will introduce you to the C++ programming language, explore advanced programming techniques, work with fundamental data structures and algorithms, and apply these tools to solving complex problems.
You should be able to simply clone this repo or download this specific projects you want from GitHub. The repo will be updated weekly.
While everyone is welcomed to attend and participate in this workshop, it is recommended that students have a knowledge of basic programming concepts (in any programming language). If you’ve seen basic control structures (loops, if statements, etc.), variables, arrays, and program decomposition, then you should be ready to take this workshop.
Course materials, handouts and relevant resources will be posted on the workshop’s website located at In addition, we will be using Slack to post announcements and answer questions throughout the semester. You will be invited to join the Slack group after the first week of class.
The suggested textbooks for this workshop are: Primary: Eric Roberts' Programming Abstractions in C++ Supplementary: Nicolai M. Josuttis’ The C++ Standard Library Note: Electronic versions will be posted on our website.
This workshop will support all major platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux). We will provide handouts describing how to get a C++ development environment set up on your machines. It is recommended that you bring your personal laptop to class as we will be working on programming assignments during lectures.
- Juan Trejo
- Miguel Obregon
See the syllabus for more information.