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Shopify GraphQL and Restful Admin API client

Docs of this package

Shopify GraphQL Admin API Docs

Shopify REST Admin API Docs

Create Apps


New client from static token

import ""

src := shopify.Oauth2StaticTokenSource(
	&shopify.Oauth2Token{AccessToken: os.Getenv("SHOPIFY_TOKEN")},
httpClient := shopify.Oauth2NewClient(context.Background(), src)
client := shopify.NewClient(os.Getenv("SHOPIFY_SHOP"), httpClient)

Put results into custom structs

var customers []struct {
	Id    string `json:"id"`
	Email string `json:"email"`
client.New(`query { customers(first: 10) { edges { node { id email } } } }`).
	MustDo(&customers, "customers.edges.*.node")


var cursor *string
var hasNextPage bool = true
for hasNextPage {
	client.New(`query ($n: Int, $after: String) {
customers(first: $n, after: $after) {
pageInfo { hasNextPage }
edges { cursor node { id email } } } }`, "n", 2, "after", cursor).
			&customers, "customers.edges.*.node",
			&cursor, "customers.edges.*.cursor",
			&hasNextPage, "customers.pageInfo.hasNextPage",

Restful API

// get themes
var themes []struct {
	Id   int
	Role string
client.NewRest("GET", "themes").MustDo(&themes, "themes.*")

// get files of a specific theme
var files []string
client.NewRest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("themes/%d/assets", 100000000000), shopify.KV{
	"fields": "key",
}).MustDo(&files, "assets.*.key")

// update theme file
var updatedAt string
client.NewRest("PUT", fmt.Sprintf("themes/%d/assets", 100000000000), nil, shopify.KV{
	"asset": shopify.KV{
		"key":   "layout/theme.liquid",
		"value": "<html>...</html>",
}).MustDo(&updatedAt, "asset.updated_at")

Multiple queries in one request

You can use NewMulti():

var url, code string
gql, args, targets := shopify.NewMulti("query").
	Add("currentAppInstallation").Return(`{ launchUrl }`).
	Out(&url, ".launchUrl").Self().
	Add("shop").Return("{ currencyCode }").
	Out(&code, ".currencyCode").Self().
client.New(gql, args...).MustDo(targets...)
fmt.Println(url, code)

Or write your own GQL:

var launchUrl, currencyCode string
client.New("{ cai: currentAppInstallation { launchUrl }, shop: shop { currencyCode } }").
	MustDo(&launchUrl, "cai.launchUrl", &currencyCode, "shop.currencyCode")
fmt.Println(launchUrl, currencyCode)

Oauth2 Example

Create a new App and put to "Allowed redirection URL(s)".

Copy the API key as ClientID, API secret key as ClientSecret.

conf := &shopify.Oauth2Config{
	ClientID:     "f75xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	ClientSecret: "shpss_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	Scopes: []string{
		// for list of access scopes, visit:
	RedirectURL: "",
	Endpoint: shopify.Oauth2Endpoint{
		AuthURL:  "https://<YOUR-SHOP-NAME>",
		TokenURL: "https://<YOUR-SHOP-NAME>",

// redirect user to consent page to ask for permission

// once user installed the app, it will redirect to url like this:
// verify the request then get the token with the code in the url
token, err := conf.Exchange(ctx, "codexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
if err != nil {

// save the token as json for later use

// load the token
ctx := context.Background()
token := new(shopify.Oauth2Token)
json.Unmarshal(/* token content */, token)
src := conf.TokenSource(ctx, token)
httpClient := shopify.Oauth2NewClient(ctx, src)
client := shopify.NewClient(/* your shop name */, httpClient)


export SHOPIFY_TOKEN=shpat_00000000000000000000000000000000 SHOPIFY_SHOP=demo
export DEBUG=1 # if you want to show more info
go test -v ./...