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calcitem committed Oct 4, 2021
1 parent c6ab879 commit 351b79b
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Showing 45 changed files with 445 additions and 625 deletions.
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ar.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "قاعدة N-Move في نهاية اللعبة",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "إذا كان لدى أي من اللاعبين ثلاث قطع فقط ولم يقم أي من اللاعبين بإزالة قطعة في حركة معينة ، يتم تعادُل اللعبة.",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "يمتلك أي لاعب ثلاث قطع فقط ولا يزيل أي لاعب قطعة في حركة معينة.",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "حكم التكرار الثلاثي",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "يتم تعادل اللعبة إذا حدث مركز للمرة الثالثة.",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "مطحنة! استمر في اتخاذ خطوة.",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "نمط النقطة",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "عرض النقطة",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"solid": "صلب",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "أجوف",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_bg.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "Правило N-Move на финала",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "Ако някой от играчите има само три фигури и нито един от тях не премахне фигурата в рамките на определени ходове, играта е равен.",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Всеки играч има само три фигури и нито един играч не премахва фигура в рамките на определени ходове.",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Правило за трикратно повторение",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "Играта се тегли, ако позиция се появи за трети път.",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "Мелница! Продължете да правите ход.",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "Точков стил",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "Ширина на точката",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"solid": "Твърд",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "Куха",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_bn.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "এন্ডগেম এন-মুভ নিয়ম",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "যদি কোন খেলোয়াড়ের মাত্র তিনটি টুকরো থাকে এবং কোন খেলোয়াড় একটি নির্দিষ্ট চালের মধ্যে একটি টুকরো অপসারণ করে না, তবে খেলাটি ড্র হয়।",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "যেকোনো খেলোয়াড়ের মাত্র তিনটি টুকরো আছে এবং কোন খেলোয়াড় একটি নির্দিষ্ট চালের মধ্যে একটি টুকরো সরিয়ে দেয় না।",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "তিনগুণ পুনরাবৃত্তির নিয়ম",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "তৃতীয়বারের মতো কোনো অবস্থান হলে খেলাটি ড্র হয়।",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "মিল! চলতে থাকুন।",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "বিন্দু শৈলী",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "পয়েন্ট প্রস্থ",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"solid": "কঠিন",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "ফাঁপা",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_cs.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "Pravidlo Endgame N-Move",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "Pokud má některý z hráčů pouze tři figurky a žádný z hráčů neodstraní figurku v rámci konkrétních tahů, hra se losuje.",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Každý hráč má pouze tři figurky a žádný z hráčů neodstraní figurku v rámci konkrétních tahů.",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Pravidlo trojnásobného opakování",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "Hra se losuje, pokud se pozice objeví potřetí.",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "Mlýn! Pokračujte v pohybu.",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "Bodový styl",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "Šířka bodu",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"solid": "Pevný",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "Dutý",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down
22 changes: 9 additions & 13 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_da.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "Slutspil N-Move-regel",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "Hvis en spiller kun har tre brikker, og ingen af spillerne fjerner en brik inden for et bestemt træk, trækkes spillet.",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Hver spiller har kun tre brikker, og ingen af spillerne fjerner en brik inden for et bestemt træk.",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Tredobbelt gentagelsesregel",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "Spillet trækkes, hvis en position opstår for tredje gang.",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "Mølle! Fortsæt med at gøre et træk.",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "Point stil",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "Punktbredde",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "Hul",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down
24 changes: 10 additions & 14 deletions src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1209,47 +1209,43 @@
"@removeUnplacedPiece_Detail": {
"description": "If a player forms the mill in the placing phase, she will remove the opponent's unplaced piece and continue to make a move."
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endgame N-Move rule",
"endgameNMoveRule": "Endspiel N-Züge-Regel",
"@endgameNMoveRule": {
"description": "Endgame N-Move rule"
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn.",
"endgameNMoveRule_Detail": "Wenn einer der beiden Spieler nur drei Steine hat und keiner der beiden Spieler innerhalb eines bestimmten Zuges einen Stein entfernt, ist das Spiel unentschieden.",
"@endgameNMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "If either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves, the game is drawn."
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves.",
"drawReasonEndgameRule50": "Jeder der beiden Spieler hat nur drei Steine und keiner der beiden Spieler entfernt einen Stein innerhalb eines bestimmten Zuges.",
"@drawReasonEndgameRule50": {
"description": "Either player has only three pieces and neither player removes a piece within a specific moves."
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Threefold repetition rule",
"threefoldRepetitionRule": "Dreifache Wiederholungsregel",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule": {
"description": "Threefold repetition rule"
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time.",
"threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": "Das Spiel ist unentschieden, wenn eine Stellung zum dritten Mal auftritt.",
"@threefoldRepetitionRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a position occurs for the third time."
"continueToMakeMove": "Mill! Continue to make a move.",
"continueToMakeMove": "Mühle! Bewegen Sie sich weiter.",
"@continueToMakeMove": {
"description": "Mill! Continue to make a move."
"pointStyle": "Point style",
"pointStyle": "Punkt-Stil",
"@pointStyle": {
"description": "Point style"
"pointWidth": "Point width",
"pointWidth": "Breite der Punkte",
"@pointWidth": {
"description": "Point width"
"none": "None",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"solid": "Solid",
"solid": "Solide",
"@solid": {
"description": "Solid"
"hollow": "Hollow",
"hollow": "Hohle",
"@hollow": {
"description": "Hollow"
Expand Down

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