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Mobile Systems Group

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  1. covid19-sounds-neurips covid19-sounds-neurips Public

    COVID19 Sounds Dataset Supplementary Material

    Jupyter Notebook 16 8

  2. covid19-sounds-kdd20 covid19-sounds-kdd20 Public

    Jupyter Notebook 15 10

  3. covid19-sounds-npjDM covid19-sounds-npjDM Public

    This repository contains codes accompanying the npj digital medicine paper named: Sounds of COVID-19: exploring realistic performance of audio-based digital testing.

    Jupyter Notebook 10 3

  4. covid19-sounds-ios-app covid19-sounds-ios-app Public

    The iOS app source code used in the COVID-19 Sounds project

    Swift 5 2

  5. covid19-sounds-android-app covid19-sounds-android-app Public

    Java 1 2

  6. open-earable open-earable Public

    Forked from OpenEarable/open-earable



Showing 10 of 11 repositories

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