Based on signald/signald, but adds listening TCP port to connect to instead of UNIX-socket.
Install from docker hub cameo69/signald-with-tcp
or build yourself.
Build image:
docker build --force-rm --tag signald-with-tcp .
Run image:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/run:/signald -p 12345:12345 signald-with-tcp
Docker image signald/signald is equipped with a UNIX socket for communication which does not work for Docker on Mac OS. This is supported by this issue #483.
To use a signald container on Mac OS the TCP socket has been added.
Create a UNIX socket on Mac OS (or other system) to communicate with the TCP socket inside local docker container, use:socat UNIX-LISTEN:signald.sock,reuseaddr,fork TCP-CONNECT:localhost:12345
TCP sockets can be used directly from other docker containers, especially Node-RED.