automatically create tickets in your favorite issue platform from figma comments.
Register on our app; this allows us to register a webhook with your Figma org and to create Linear issues.
- create base etl pipeline (figma -> fig-issue -> linear)
- Add oauth
- allow extension to other ticket operators (jira, clickup, trello, etc)
fig issue is not affiliated with Figma. fig issue is simply compatible with Figma. fig issue is not affiliated with Linear.
this project uses a lot of open source software. big thanks to the following teams and people for providing them:
- the mantine team for our ui frameworks
- rtivital for making lots of example components we use
- vercel for nextjs and vercel
- supabase for open source auth
- Khan Academy for a modern graphql client for Go
- Siruspen for structured logging in Go
- Go Chi for backend api router