This is the result from an assignment in our 3 week agile crash course. Created by Andreas Stanggren, Alexander Liljedahl, Camille Jadermark, Felicia Segerholm and Sebastian Zazzi.
Our task was to create a number guessing game where the player could compete against bots. During the project we worked with agile methods and Scrum.
The player chooses between 1 or 2 bots to compete against. When the game starts each contestant takes turn guessing for a number between 1 and 100 that the game master (Kitt) has in mind.
Kitt will tell you if the number she is thinking of is higher or lower than your guess. You only have 10 seconds to pick a number, so act fast.
The first contestant to guess the correct number is named the winner!
The project is written in Typescript.
To install all dependencies, write npm install.
To compile, write tsc
To start compiler in watch-mode, write tsc -w.