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Importing and exporting

Vess Popov edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 9 revisions

This tutorial is OUTDATED. It applies to Concerto releases up to v5.0.beta.7.

Concerto uses the import/export functions to allow people to share tests or templates. The hope is that people will create their own beautiful templates and share them with everyone else, or they'll create new nodes (like a node to do an Implicit Association Test, or a node to display a Big Five personality test) and that will expand the capabilities of the flow interface. It doesn't make sense if 10 Concerto users all independently create the same test, so share the wealth!


You can export various objects: tests, templates, data tables, and wizards. Press the export button next to the object that you want to export. It will ask if you want to export in compressed or text format. Compressed is normally best (unless you want to edit the text manually in a program like Notepad). Press Export and it will be downloaded to your computer. The file format is TestName.concerto

The only thing to bear in mind with exporting is if a test relies on other objects (e.g. you have a flow test which contains the Questionnaire node and the Info node), then export the highest level object, which would normally be the test that you actually run.


There are import buttons on all of the tabs, although Concerto will detect what type of object it is (i.e. a test? a template?) so you can actually import it anywhere and it will be placed in the proper tab.

The tricky part of importing objects is if there is a naming conflict. e.g. you import a test called 'MyTest' and there's already a test with that name. Bear in mind that this applies to all the objects in an import, so if you are importing a flow test with a Questionnaire node and an Info node, then those objects will probably conflict with the default Questionnaire and Info nodes that come with Concerto. In this case, you'll get an error like this:

Validation failed: test already exists

To avoid conflicts, add a suffix to the names of objects you import. To do that, when it asks for a name on the import screen, set the name like this {{name}}_suffix, e.g. {{name}}_v2 or {{name}}_imported


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