###If you need WAMP V1 monitoring checkout my older releases (v1.0.0)
A Nagios NRPE script that allows you to monitor a web socket server using the WAMP V2 protocol. While it is fairly easy with Nagios to monitor whether or not your server process is running, unfortunately that can't tell us if that server is available and accepting connections.
With nagios-wss you can actually open a connection to your websocket servers and have the confidence of knowing that they are responding correctly to your users.
This script is designed to be run on Nagios client servers using the NRPE daemon.
For more information on using Nagios and NRPE visit the following link:
###Download and Install nagios-wss
####Clone Source and Install Manually This is a pretty simple option for this small codebase. We will clone the source into the directory where we want to keep our Nagios plugins, install the required libraries, and finally set proper permissions.
cd /path/to/where/you/want/it
git clone git@github.com:camronlevanger/nagios-wss.git
cd nagios-wss
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then restart the NRPE service, on Ubuntu that looks like:
service nagios-nrpe-server restart
####Install Using Pip Coming Soon(er or later)
###Add nagios-wss Command to NRPE Client Now we need to edit our nrpe.cfg file and add our new plugin command.
vim /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
Now add the check_wss_conn command to the list.
By default nagios-wss connects to wss://localhost:8080, if this works for your setup then the above command config is all that is needed. If that does not reflect the location of the socket server you need to monitor, you can also pass in the host as an arg to the command.
To pass args to the command make sure you set in nrpe.cfg
###Important arguments:
- -H host_uri | The url you use to connect to the socket server - This defaults to wss://localhost:8080/ws
- -R realm | The WAMP realm your server is listening on - defaults to realm1
- -T topic | The name of the topic you want the monitor to attempt subscribing to - defaults to notifications.1
###Add nagios-wss to Nagios Checks on Your Nagios Monitoring Server Define a new service for nagios-wss
define service {
use generic-service (or your appropriate defined service)
host_name name_of_your_client_host
service_description Web Socket Server Monitor
check_command check_wss_conn
Restart the Nagios host.