This is a PHP application to assist with the conversion from Muscat to MARC21.
A talk about the project was given to the CILIP CIG (MDG) Conference 2020: Metadata and Discovery conference on 9th September 2020.
- Clone the repository.
- Run
composer install
to install the dependencies. - Install the system software dependencies as per the install script
- Download and install the famfamfam icon set in /images/icons/
- Add the Apache directives in httpd.conf (and restart the webserver) as per the example given in .httpd.conf.extract.txt; the example assumes mod_macro but this can be easily removed.
- Create a copy of the index.html.template file as index.html, and fill in the parameters.
- Access the page in a browser at a URL which is served by the webserver.
System software:
- Lingua Translit CPAN module
- Enchant for PHP
- MarcEdit
- Mono
- Bibcheck lint checker
Bug markers are defined as follows:
General, unresolved#!#C
Code-purity -related, not essential to fix#!#I
Interface-related, and do not affect conversion correctness#!#M
Merging-related, unproblematic as merging is disabled in final release#!#H
Indicates hard-coded language (Russian), will not be fixed as other transliterations deemed out of scope
Martin Lucas-Smith, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, 2012-19, 2024.