build a small Larvel service for payment integration with Moneris.
for demo purpose
a restful api is included:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"customerId":"1","amount":"1.00"}'
- user has many gateway options, moneris is a valid option, user has many customers
- customer belongs to user
- customer makes purchase action and a transaction is created
This project is for demo purpose, and technologies involve:
php framework: laravel
third party components: laravel-doctrine, moneris
orm framework: doctrine orm
phpunit: demonstrate functional test, web test with test database
Database design:
users: user info with payment gateway option and config (for now only moneris is supported)
customers: users' customers with credit card info (for now, each customer has one credit card)
transactions: customer payment transactions
Layer Pattern:
1. api requests bind in JsonRequest for data validation
2. controller: handles data validation and required service
3. service: handle business logic
4. repository: handle database related work
5. entity: orm models
Payment gateway integration:
PaymentGatewayService: handle payment actions, for now only purchase action is supported
PaymentGatewayService: handle all third party payment gateway integration
GatewayPaymentRequest: dto for thirdparty payment action request (GatewayPurchaseRequest)
GatewayPaymentResponse: dto for thirdparty payment action response (GatewayPurchaseResponse)
Moneris integration for purchase action
MonerisPaymentServiceImpl (implements PaymentGatewayService): all payment service implementations (purchase, preauth, etc.)
MonerisPurchaseRequest (implements GatewayPaymentRequest): moneris purchase action request
MonerisPurchaseResponse (implements GatewayPaymentResponse): moneris purchase action response
New payment gateway integration:
ex. Stripe purchase
StripePaymentServiceImpl: implements PaymentGatewayService and handle the integation
StriipePurchaseRequest: implements GatewayPaymentRequest
StriipePurchaseResponse: implements GatewayPaymentResponse
New payment action
ex. Pre-Auth
PaymentGatewayService: add new payment action to the inteface
PaymentGatewayServiceImpl: implements the new payment action logic
php: 7.3 +
mysql: 5.5+ or postgresql 9.0+
composer: 1.9+
apache: 2.0+
Quick run
1. cp .env.exmaple to .env
2. replace DATABASE_* to your local setup
3. composer install
4. create database from step 2
5. create data seeds:
php artisan db:seed
6. create database tables
php artisan doctrine:schema:create
7. php artisan serve
8. the api endpoint is
Phpunit is used for functional test and web test
1. CustomerControllerTest: test api endpoints
2. MonerisPaymentServiceTest: test moneris integration
3. PaymentServiceTest: test payment business logics
CustomerControllerTest is an integration test with database connection
and it should use another database which can be updated in phpuit.xml
php artisan test
PASS Tests\Unit\CustomerControllerTest
✓ purchase
PASS Tests\Unit\MonerisPaymentServiceTest
✓ purchase
PASS Tests\Unit\PaymentServiceTest
✓ get payment gateway service with valid user
✓ get payment gateway service with invalid user
✓ process purchase approved
✓ process purchase declined
✓ process purchase error
PASS Tests\Feature\ExampleTest
✓ example
Tests: 8 passed
Time: 12.08s