Small TDD driven practice app to build a Rails RESTful API.
- Contains API controller for : users
- Includes full rspec test for basic API CURD
- No authentication features included so far (I plan to have them at a later stage)
- Intended to be a simple boilerplate for future applications
- Rails
- Ruby: 2.6.5
- Postgresql: 1.2.3
- Factory Bot Rails
- The application runs in a development environment with a Postgresql DB
- Please install pg DB, and create a user/pass for development account.
- app user pre-configured:
- It is highly recommended to store you password in an environment variable at login. In a development environment, I use the same password for all my apps. In my case, I have a macOS environment, and I use this command to load the password in the
echo 'export APPNAME_DATABASE_PASSWORD="PostgreSQL_Role_Password"' >> ~/.bash_profile
mode details on how to install and configure your pg database for macOS environments: How To Use PostgreSQL with Your Ruby on Rails Application on macOS
- Configurations must be hosted @
username: devuser
- Clone Repository
- Run
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
👤 Carlos Anriquez
- Github: @canriquez
- Twitter: @cranriquez
- Linkedin: linkedin
- Portfolio:
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- For this project, I followed guidance from these awesome articles:
- Creating a REST API with Rails
- Simple Rails API Server using Simple TDD
- How To Use PostgreSQL with Your Ruby on Rails Application on macOS
This project is MIT licensed.