Welcome to the E-commerce Mini API project! This API is designed to serve as the backend for an e-commerce platform, offering a range of features for both administrators and customers. It is built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose.
The E-commerce Mini API is organized into different versions, each of which adds new functionalities and improvements. Here's a brief overview of what each version entails:
Shop Item Model: Defines the structure of shop items, including fields like title, image, price, description, availableCount, and genre or category.
Admin Routes (/admin):
- Add new shop items
- Update shop item details
- Delete shop items
- Search for shop items based on different properties
Customer Routes (/customer):
- Get all shop items with filtering by category and price range
- Search for shop items
- Add items to the cart (checking inventory availability)
- Checkout and create an order with bill calculation
- Get information about a single item
- Customer model for user management
- Cart model for handling shopping carts
- Order model for storing customer orders
Admin Authentication (/admin):
- Sign in with email and password
- Remain signed in with access to admin routes
- Sign out
- Admin authorization for admin-specific routes
- Fetch all orders and customer information
- Create new admin accounts
Customer Authentication (/customer):
- Sign up with email and password or social media account
- Sign in with email and password or social media account
- Remain signed in with access to customer routes
- Sign out
- Customer authorization for customer-specific routes
- Fetch previous orders
- Fetch and update customer profile
- Update the shopping cart.