🚨 Voltron v0.1.0 is now available!
⚠️ WARNING: This release is considered experimental. Use it at your own risk.
This is the first Voltron release that allows you to install the Jira in the Kubernetes cluster. The installation supports in-cluster PostgreSQL Statefulset and CloudSQL database hosted on GCP.
✨ Check our Jira installation tutorial!
Linux: curl -Lo ./ocftool https://storage.googleapis.com/capactio-binaries/v0.1.0/ocftool-linux-amd64
macOS: curl -Lo ./ocftool https://storage.googleapis.com/capactio-binaries/v0.1.0/ocftool-darwin-amd64
Windows: curl -Lo ./ocftool https://storage.googleapis.com/capactio-binaries/v0.1.0/ocftool-windows-amd64