Releases: carbonsrv/carbon
Carbon v1.2.2
This release changes the thread behaviour and msgpack, mainly.
The thread behaviour has changed in a way that it seems more natural.
Instead of binding values via Go conversion and back, it is now serialized using msgpack.
With these changes, upvalues can now be used in threads. Tables do not have to be manually converted, which was a small annoyance.
Msgpack now has a couple more changes to allow more serialization to be very simple and the result accurate.
Functions are now serialized with the upvalues of them taken care of.
Userdata also works fine now, but the implementation was a hack and needs a better way.
Unless you are serializing userdata in different threads at exactly the same time, there shouldn't be a problem, but watch out.
The LTN12 library from luasocket is now also included.
Carbon v1.2.1
This release mainly contains fixes, quite a few actually: Threads, Websockets, Coms, Memory improvements due to no longer autostarting the webserver when it is not actually used, Dockerfile improvements and more!
The default ports have been changed to 80 and 443, the normal HTTP and HTTPS ports.
The webroot is now in the package path, so you can require() away!
Note: The newer Docker images are based on Alpine Linux by default now.
This is due to the fact that I like newer things and Alpine gives the docker images a nice and small base.
It is also more secure because it uses the musl libc, which means glibc binaries won't work, giving potential attackers less attack surface and a harder time.
There are still other types of images by just postfixing them with the preferred type: If you want v1.2.1 but based on Arch instead of Alpine, pull v1.2.1-arch instead.
There is also a -flat variant of every image type, which has been flattened and contains no metadata, but you can theoretically build your own app on top of that, if you so desire.
Carbon v1.2
tl;dr new stuff, fancy stuff, fixed stuff
Carbon v1.1.1
Small hotfixes for mw.static().
Carbon v1.1
Carbon v1.1 is finally here!
It has new features!
Templates, shebang support, threads, better lua organisation, msgpack library inbuilt, Key-Value Store, markdown and more!
Carbon v1.1-alpha
Documented things work.
Websockets and VHOST do not.
I have no idea why VHOST does not work, it should be working.
Websockets are WIP and should get fixed sooner or later.
Carbon v1.1-alpha
Carbon v1.1-Alpha
Most things are sorted out by now, relatively stable, haven't noticed any issues with the documented things yet.
Carbon v1.0
Carbon v1.0
Everything should work, though not extensively tested.
Use with care.