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[ADP-3086] Implement memory benchmark (#4027)
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### Overview

This task is about creating a memory benchmark for cardano-wallet which

* has a predictable environment, i.e. does not depend on mainnet
* runs quickly, for fast turnaround times on space leak hypothesis

### Implementation details

We implement an MVP: We use a `cardano-node` that has no peers to serve
an initial segment of predprod, and benchmark a `cardano-wallet`
connected to this node.

### Context

Previously, we have benchmarked memory as part of the nightly
restoration benchmark. However, when upgrading to compiler version GHC
9.2.8, this benchmark stopped working due to a memory leak.

### Issue number

  • Loading branch information
HeinrichApfelmus authored Jul 17, 2023
2 parents 015e6be + 4097ea9 commit 2aef4a3
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 7 changed files with 397 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal.project
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Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ packages:
, lib/text-class/
, lib/wai-middleware-logging/
, lib/wallet/
, lib/wallet-benchmarks/

-- Using RDRAND instead of /dev/urandom as an entropy source for key
-- generation is dubious. Set the flag so we use /dev/urandom by default.
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/launcher/cardano-wallet-launcher.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ library
, filepath
, fmt
, iohk-monitoring
, network
, process
, text
, text-class
Expand All @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ library
, Cardano.Launcher.Node
, Cardano.Startup
if os(windows)
build-depends: Win32
Expand Down
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions lib/launcher/src/Cardano/Launcher/Wallet.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2023-2023 IOHK
-- License: Apache-2.0
-- Provides a function to launch @cardano-wallet@.
module Cardano.Launcher.Wallet
( -- * Startup
, CardanoWalletConfig (..)
, NetworkConfig (..)

-- * Run
, CardanoWalletConn
, getWalletPort
) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Launcher
( LauncherLog, ProcessHasExited, withBackendCreateProcess )
import Cardano.Launcher.Node
( CardanoNodeConn, nodeSocketFile )
import Control.Tracer
( Tracer (..) )
import Data.Text.Class
( FromText (..), ToText (..) )
import Network.Socket
( PortNumber )
import UnliftIO.Process
( CreateProcess (..), proc )

Launching a `cardano-wallet` process
-- | Parameters for connecting to the running wallet process.
newtype CardanoWalletConn = CardanoWalletConn { getWalletPort :: PortNumber }
deriving (Show, Eq)

instance ToText CardanoWalletConn where
toText = toText . fromEnum . getWalletPort

instance FromText CardanoWalletConn where
fromText = fmap (CardanoWalletConn . toEnum) . fromText

data NetworkConfig
= Mainnet
| Testnet { nodeByronGenesis :: FilePath }
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A subset of the @cardano-wallet@ CLI parameters,
-- used for starting the process.
data CardanoWalletConfig = CardanoWalletConfig
{ walletPort :: PortNumber
-- ^ Port number for HTTP API. Good default: 8090.
, walletDatabaseDir :: FilePath
-- ^ Path to the wallet database file.
, walletNetwork :: NetworkConfig
-- ^ Network (mainnet or a testnet) that we connect to.
, extraArgs :: [String]
-- ^ Extra arguments to be passed to the process
} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Spawns a @cardano-wallet@ process.
-- IMPORTANT: @cardano-wallet@ must be available on the current path.
:: Tracer IO LauncherLog
-- ^ Trace for subprocess control logging
-> CardanoNodeConn
-> CardanoWalletConfig
-> (CardanoWalletConn -> IO a)
-- ^ Callback function with a socket filename and genesis params
-> IO (Either ProcessHasExited a)
withCardanoWallet tr node cfg@CardanoWalletConfig{..} action =
withBackendCreateProcess tr (cardanoWallet cfg node) $
\_ _ -> action $ CardanoWalletConn walletPort

cardanoWallet :: CardanoWalletConfig -> CardanoNodeConn -> CreateProcess
cardanoWallet CardanoWalletConfig{..} node =
proc "cardano-wallet" $
[ "serve"
, "--node-socket", nodeSocketFile node
, "--database", walletDatabaseDir
, "--port", show walletPort
<> case walletNetwork of
Mainnet -> ["--mainnet"]
Testnet path -> ["--testnet", path]
<> extraArgs
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions lib/wallet-benchmarks/bench/memory-benchmark.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

import Prelude

import Cardano.BM.Data.Tracer
( HasPrivacyAnnotation (..), HasSeverityAnnotation (..) )
import Cardano.Startup
( installSignalHandlers, withUtf8Encoding )
import Control.Concurrent
( threadDelay )
import Control.Monad
( unless, void, when )
import Control.Tracer
( Tracer (..), contramap, traceWith )
import Data.List
( intersperse )
import Data.Maybe
( fromMaybe )
import Data.Text
( Text )
import Data.Text.Class
( ToText (..) )
import System.FilePath
( takeBaseName, (</>) )
import System.IO.Temp
( withSystemTempDirectory )
import Text.Read
( readMaybe )

import qualified Cardano.BM.Configuration.Model as Log
import qualified Cardano.BM.Configuration.Static as Log
import qualified Cardano.BM.Data.BackendKind as Log
import qualified Cardano.BM.Data.LogItem as Log
import qualified Cardano.BM.Data.Severity as Log
import qualified Cardano.BM.Setup as Log
import qualified Cardano.Launcher as C
import qualified Cardano.Launcher.Node as C
import qualified Cardano.Launcher.Wallet as C
import qualified System.Process as S

testSnapshot :: FilePath
testSnapshot = "membench-snapshot.tgz"

testBlockHeight :: Int
testBlockHeight = 7280

cabalDataDir :: FilePath
cabalDataDir = "lib/wallet-benchmarks/data"

testMnemonic :: [String]
testMnemonic =
[ "slab","praise","suffer","rabbit","during","dream"
, "arch","harvest","culture","book","owner","loud"
, "wool","salon","table","animal","vivid","arrow"
, "dirt","divide","humble","tornado","solution","jungle"

main :: IO ()
main = withUtf8Encoding $ do
requireExecutable "cardano-node" "--version"
requireExecutable "cardano-wallet" "version"
requireExecutable "curl" "--version"
requireExecutable "jq" "--version"

installSignalHandlers (pure ())
trText <- initLogging "memory-benchmark" Log.Debug
let tr = contramap toText trText

withSystemTempDirectory "wallet" $ \tmp -> do
cfg <- copyNodeSnapshot tmp
void $ withCardanoNode tr cfg $ \node -> do
sleep 2
withCardanoWallet tr cfg node $ \wallet -> void $ do
sleep 1
createWallet wallet testMnemonic
sleep 1
waitUntilSynchronized wallet

waitUntilSynchronized :: C.CardanoWalletConn -> IO ()
waitUntilSynchronized wallet = do
height <- getLatestBlockHeight wallet
when (height < testBlockHeight) $ do
sleep 1
waitUntilSynchronized wallet

copyNodeSnapshot :: FilePath -> IO BenchmarkConfig
copyNodeSnapshot tmp = do
copyFile (cabalDataDir </> testSnapshot) tmp
let dir = tmp </> takeBaseName testSnapshot
decompress (tmp </> testSnapshot) tmp
pure $ BenchmarkConfig
{ nodeConfigDir = dir </> "config"
, nodeDatabaseDir = dir </> "db-node"
, walletDatabaseDir = dir </> "db-wallet"

Cardano commands
getLatestBlockHeight :: C.CardanoWalletConn -> IO Int
getLatestBlockHeight wallet =
fmap (fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe)
. flip S.readCreateProcess ""
$ curlGetCommand wallet "/wallets"
<> " | jq '.[0].tip.height.quantity'"

:: C.CardanoWalletConn -> String -> String
curlGetCommand wallet path =
"curl -X GET " <> walletURL wallet <> path

createWallet :: C.CardanoWalletConn -> [String] -> IO ()
createWallet wallet mnemonic =
curlPostJSON wallet "/wallets" $ unwords
[ "{ \"mnemonic_sentence\": " <> showMnemonic mnemonic <> ","
, " \"passphrase\": \"Secure Passphrase\","
, " \"name\": \"Memory Benchmark\","
, " \"address_pool_gap\": 20"
, "}"
braces l r s = l <> s <> r
showMnemonic =
braces "[" "]" . unwords . intersperse "," . map (braces "\"" "\"")

curlPostJSON :: C.CardanoWalletConn -> String -> String -> IO ()
curlPostJSON wallet path json =
[ "-X", "POST"
, "-d", json
, "-H", "Content-Type: application/json"
, walletURL wallet <> path

walletURL :: C.CardanoWalletConn -> String
walletURL wallet =
"http://localhost:" <> show (C.getWalletPort wallet) <> "/v2"

data BenchmarkConfig = BenchmarkConfig
{ nodeConfigDir :: FilePath
, nodeDatabaseDir :: FilePath
, walletDatabaseDir :: FilePath
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Start a `cardano-wallet` process on the benchmark configuration.
:: Tracer IO C.LauncherLog
-> BenchmarkConfig
-> C.CardanoNodeConn
-> (C.CardanoWalletConn -> IO r)
-> IO (Either C.ProcessHasExited r)
withCardanoWallet tr BenchmarkConfig{..} node =
C.withCardanoWallet tr node
{ C.walletPort =
, C.walletNetwork =
C.Testnet $ nodeConfigDir </> "byron-genesis.json"
, C.walletDatabaseDir =
, C.extraArgs =
profilingOptions = words "+RTS -N1 -qg -A1m -I0 -T -h -i0.01 -RTS"

-- | Start a `cardano-node` process on the benchmark configuration.
:: Tracer IO C.LauncherLog
-> BenchmarkConfig
-> (C.CardanoNodeConn -> IO r)
-> IO (Either C.ProcessHasExited r)
withCardanoNode tr BenchmarkConfig{..} =
C.withCardanoNode tr
{ C.nodeDir = nodeDatabaseDir
, C.nodeConfigFile = nodeConfigDir </> "config.json"
, C.nodeTopologyFile = nodeConfigDir </> "topology.json"
, C.nodeDatabaseDir = nodeDatabaseDir
, C.nodeDlgCertFile = Nothing
, C.nodeSignKeyFile = Nothing
, C.nodeOpCertFile = Nothing
, C.nodeKesKeyFile = Nothing
, C.nodeVrfKeyFile = Nothing
, C.nodePort = Just (C.NodePort 8061)
, C.nodeLoggingHostname = Nothing

sleep :: Int -> IO ()
sleep seconds = threadDelay (seconds * 1000 * 1000)

-- | Throw an exception if the executable is not in the `$PATH`.
requireExecutable :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
requireExecutable name cmd = S.callProcess name [cmd]

copyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFile source destination = S.callProcess "cp" [source,destination]

decompress :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
decompress source destination =
S.callProcess "tar" ["-xzvf", source, "-C", destination]

initLogging :: Text -> Log.Severity -> IO (Tracer IO Text)
initLogging name minSeverity = do
c <- Log.defaultConfigStdout
Log.setMinSeverity c minSeverity
Log.setSetupBackends c [Log.KatipBK, Log.AggregationBK]
(tr, _sb) <- Log.setupTrace_ c name
pure (trMessageText tr)

-- | Tracer transformer which transforms traced items to their 'ToText'
-- representation and further traces them as a 'Log.LogObject'.
-- If the 'ToText' representation is empty, then no tracing happens.
:: (ToText a, HasPrivacyAnnotation a, HasSeverityAnnotation a)
=> Tracer IO (Log.LoggerName, Log.LogObject Text)
-> Tracer IO a
trMessageText tr = Tracer $ \arg -> do
let msg = toText arg
unless (msg == mempty) $ do
meta <- Log.mkLOMeta
(getSeverityAnnotation arg)
(getPrivacyAnnotation arg)
traceWith tr (mempty, Log.LogObject mempty meta (Log.LogMessage msg))
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions lib/wallet-benchmarks/cardano-wallet-benchmarks.cabal
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: cardano-wallet-benchmarks
version: 2023.4.14
synopsis: Benchmarks for the `cardano-wallet` exectuable.
description: This package is a collection of benchmarks
for the `cardano-wallet` exectuable.
It currently comprises a memory benchmark (heap profile).
author: High Assurance Lab at Cardano Foundation
copyright: 2023 Cardano Foundation
license: Apache-2.0
category: Web
build-type: Simple

common language
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010

benchmark memory
import: language
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: bench
main-is: memory-benchmark.hs
, base
, cardano-wallet-launcher
, cardano-wallet-test-utils
, containers
, contra-tracer
, filepath
, fmt
, iohk-monitoring
, network
, process
, temporary
, text
, text-class
, transformers
Binary file added lib/wallet-benchmarks/data/membench-snapshot.tgz
Binary file not shown.

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