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An Express, Mongoose, & Promises-based REST API Boilerplate in ES6 with Code Coverage


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#A promises-based REST API Boilerplate in ES6 (w/ Code Coverage) using Node, Express, & Mongoose

Build Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities Maintainability Test Coverage Commitizen friendly MIT License


This is a boilerplate application for building promised-based REST APIs in Node.js using ES6 w/Express, & Mongoose. Includes tooling for Continous Integration, Linting, Testing, Code Coverage, and JWT Authentication because following best practices helps Developers to remain productive.

Features and Tooling:

Includes Details
ES6 Code ES6 code support using Babel.
ES6 Code Coverage ES6 code coverage using Istanbul and Mocha. Code coverage reports are saved in coverage/ directory post yarn test execution. Open coverage/lcov-report/index.html to view coverage report. yarn test also displays code coverage summary on console. Code coverage can also be enforced overall and per file as well, configured via .istanbul.yml
ES6 Code Linting ES6 Code linting using ESLint - a pluggable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Uses ESLint with eslint-config-airbnb, which tries to follow the Airbnb JavaScript style guide.
Promisified Code All of the code is promisified with Bluebird, including the tests via Supertest.
API Parameter Validation Express-validation is used to validate body, params, query, headers and cookies of a request (via middleware) and return a response with errors; if any of the configured validation rules fail. You won't anymore need to make your route handler dirty with such validations.
JWT Authentication Supports authentication using jsonwebtoken.
Secured App Helmet helps to secure Express apps by setting various and appropriate HTTP headers.
Yarn over NPM Yarn Package Manager is released by the Facebook team. Read more about it here: here
Auto-Server Restart Restart the server using Nodemon in real-time anytime an edit is made, with Babel compilation and ESLint.
Consistent Commits Performing a commit with Commitizen instantiates prompts to fill out any required commit fields at commit time. Setup as a git commit hook, you also get instant feedback via Commitlint on the commit message formatting.
Pre-Commit Hooks Before commits occurs locally, a lint and tests are run via Husky, thus ensuring tested and quality code is being committed.
Debugging Impliment Using Debug means no more inserting, deleting, or commenting out console.log which quickly becomes a mess in the code. Instead, you just replace it with the debug function and leave it there. This allows for selectively debugging portions of the code by setting DEBUG env variable. If the DEBUG env variable is not set, nothing will be displayed to the console.

To Get Started:

Clone the repo:

git clone
cd rest-api

Install yarn globally:

npm install -g yarn

Install app dependencies:



This app levereages commitizen and commitlint with a Local-to-Repo Only configuration. If you are a commitizen user with an existing Global-to-Repo Configuration in place then you will need to refactor this app to levereage your commitizen configuration.

To use commitizen "as-is" fot this app, you can ignore this section (goto: OK, MOVING ON). Otherwise, below are instructions to REMOVE, and/or, RE-INSTALL commitizen and commitlint after removal.

*NOTE: If you intend to use, or, you are already using a version and configuration of commitizen that is not the one included in this app, then ensure that it has been installed by yarn rather than npm so that it's reference(s) will be in the yarn.lock file.

TO REMOVE AND NOT USE commitizen (these are "one-time" actions to perform):
  1. Remove any existing commitizen instances and dependencies installed by yarn:
# first: run this command
yarn remove commitlint

# then: run this command
yarn remove commitizen
  1. In the package.json file:
  // Remove the "cm": "git-cz" script from the "scripts" block (i.e. husky git hook)
  "scripts": {
    "cm": "git-cz"

- AND -

  // Remove the "commitizen": {"..."} and "commitlint": {"..."} blocks from the "config" block.
  // NOTE: You can delete the entire "config" block if there is nothing else you are going to use it for.
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "@commitlint/prompt"
    "commitlint": {
      "extends": "@commitlint/config-angular"
TO RE-INSTALL AND CONFIGURE commitizen and commitlint for use (these are "one-time" actions to perform):
  1. Ensure a clean install by removing any existing commitlint and commitizen instances and dependencies installed by yarn:
# first: run this command
yarn remove commitlint

# then: run this command
yarn remove commitizen
  1. Ensure a clean install by removing any existing commitlint and commitizen instances and dependencies installed by npm:
# first: run this command
npm uninstall commitlint

# then: run this command
npm uninstall commitizen
  1. Install and Configure commitizen and commitlint using yarn (a Local-to-Repo Only configuration):
# first: run this command
yarn add commitizen -D

# then: run this command (instantiate commitizen config: path)

# then: run this command
yarn add @commitlint/{cli,config-angular} -D
  1. Update the package.json file (it must have these in it - do not include comments):
  // Add the "cm": "git-cz" script from the "scripts" block (i.e. husky git hook)
  "scripts": {
    "cm": "git-cz",

- AND -

  // Add the "commitizen": {"..."} and "commitlint": {"..."} blocks into the "config" block
  // NOTE: You can add the entire "config" block if one does not already exist.
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "@commitlint/prompt"
    "commitlint": {
      "extends": "@commitlint/config-angular"

NOTE: Because this app leverages pre-commit hooks via husky, the commitizen script cannot be named "commit", it must instead be named something else (e.g. "cm": "git-cz") to prevent a double "git commit" occurance.


Set environment (vars @ [root]/.env.default (or, @ [root]/.env if you've already made an env file):

cp .env.default .env

Start Server:

# Start server using Yarn
yarn start

# NOTE: The terminal output will look something similar to
yarn run v1.15.2
$ gulp serve
[16:30:16] Requiring external module babel-register
[16:30:16] Using gulpfile ~/Development/rest-api/gulpfile.babel.js
[16:30:16] Starting 'clean'...
[16:30:16] Finished 'clean' after 25 ms
[16:30:16] Starting 'serve'...
[16:30:16] Starting 'copy'...
[16:30:17] Starting 'babel'...
[16:30:17] Finished 'serve' after 78 ms
[16:30:19] Finished 'copy' after 2.05 s
[16:30:19] Finished 'babel' after 2.17 s
[16:30:19] Starting 'nodemon'...
[16:30:19] Finished 'nodemon' after 66 ms
[16:30:19] [nodemon] 1.12.1
[16:30:19] [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[16:30:19] [nodemon] watching: *.*
[16:30:19] [nodemon] starting `node dist/index.js`
server started on port 4040 (development)

Now that the Server is running on localhost:4040; use Postman to send requests to the API:

Add a User

# STEP 1: Set Request type to POST

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to http://localhost:4040/api/users

# STEP 3: Paste the following into the Request Body (as raw JSON)
    "username": "john doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551212"

# STEP 4: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
    "__v": 0,
    "username": "john doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551212",
    "_id": "5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5",
    "createdAt": "2019-04-01T22:19:43.482Z"

For the purpose of demonstrating this API's other Request Types; add a second User

# STEP 1: Set Request type to POST

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to http://localhost:4040/api/users

# STEP 3: Paste the following into the request Body (as raw JSON)
    "username": "jane doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551213"

# STEP 4: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
    "__v": 0,
    "username": "jane doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551213",
    "_id": "5ca29c3c60d2cf8d0396e52d",
    "createdAt": "2019-04-01T23:18:20.245Z"

List all Users

# STEP 1: Set Request type to: GET

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to: http://localhost:4040/api/users

# STEP 3: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
        "_id": "5ca29c3c60d2cf8d0396e52d",
        "username": "jane doe",
        "mobileNumber": "8005551213",
        "__v": 0,
        "createdAt": "2019-04-01T23:18:20.245Z"
        "_id": "5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5",
        "username": "john doe",
        "mobileNumber": "8005551212",
        "__v": 0,
        "createdAt": "2019-04-01T22:19:43.482Z"

List a Specific User

# STEP 1: Set Request type to GET

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to http://localhost:4040/api/users/5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5
# NOTE: the _id hash used in the Request URL must match that of the specific user being listed

# STEP 3: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
    "_id": "5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5",
    "username": "john doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551212",
    "__v": 0,
    "createdAt": "2019-04-01T22:19:43.482Z"

Update a Specific User (e.g. change last digit of mobileNumber from a 2, to a 4)

# STEP 1: Set Request type to PUT

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to http://localhost:4040/api/users/5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5
# NOTE: the _id hash used in the Request URL must match that of the specific user being updated

# STEP 3: Paste the following into the request Body (as raw JSON)
    "username": "john doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551214"

# STEP 4: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
    "_id": "5ca28e7fc6345b89d4318bc5",
    "username": "john doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551214",
    "__v": 0,
    "createdAt": "2019-04-01T22:19:43.482Z"

Delete a Specific User

# STEP 1: Set Request type to DELETE

# STEP 2: Set Request URL to http://localhost:4040/api/users/5ca29c3c60d2cf8d0396e52d
# NOTE: the _id hash used in the Request URL must match that of the specific user being deleted

# STEP 3: Click: Send

# RESULT: The Response Body in Postman should look similar to
    "_id": "5ca29c3c60d2cf8d0396e52d",
    "username": "jane doe",
    "mobileNumber": "8005551213",
    "__v": 0,
    "createdAt": "2019-04-01T23:18:20.245Z"

To Debug:

Selectively set the DEBUG environment to activate debug logging

# This will turn Debug ON when you use the "yarn start" command (per the package.json scripts block)
yarn start:debug

# OR, you set and start the environment directly by running this command
DEBUG=rest-api:* yarn start

NOTE: Reference debug for more information about selectively turnning on logs.

To Run Tests:

This will execute the tests located in the [root]/server/tests directory.

# To run tests written in ES6
yarn test

# To run tests written in ES6 along with code coverage
yarn test:coverage

# To run tests on file change
yarn test:watch

# To run tests while enforcing code coverage (configured @ [root]/.istanbul.yml)
yarn test:check-coverage

NOTE: Tests will auto-run via pre-commit hook.

To Run Lint:

Linting is performed against the [root]/.eslintrc configuration. This file can be modified to your preference, but should follow Airbnb's Javascript style guide.

# Lint the code with ESLint
yarn lint

# To run lint on file change
yarn lint:watch

NOTE: Lint will be auto-run via pre-commit hook.

To Run Gulp Tasks:

Some of the yarn commands activate Gulp tasks but you can also run them directly

# Clear out the dist and coverage directories
gulp clean

# Default task - Clears out the dist and coverage directories (compiles using Babel)

NOTE: Gulp clean is auto-run @ pre-commit hook.

Using or Bypassing Commitizen for commits:

Assuming that you are using commitizen configured "as-is" in this app...

To use commitizen to commit changes to a git repo just substitue the "git commit" command):
# first: get file change status using this git command
git status

# then: add all changed files (per git status) using this git command
git add -A

# then: run this yarn command and follow commit prompts (assumes commit script hook "cm": "git-cz")
yarn cm

# finally: push the files to the repo using this git command
git push

- OR -

To bypass commitizen for commit changes to a git repo just use the "git commit" command:
# first: get file change status using this git command
git status

# then: add all changed files (per git status) using this git command
git add -A

# then: comment on file changes for commit-to-repo using this git command
git commit -m "commit comment here"

# finally: push the files to the repo using this git command
git push


# Compile to ES5
1. yarn build

# Upload dist/ to the server
2. scp -rp dist/ user@dest:/path

# Install production dependencies only
3. yarn --production

# NOTE: You can use a process manager to start the service(s)
Example: pm2 start dist/index.js


This project is licensed under the MIT License


An Express, Mongoose, & Promises-based REST API Boilerplate in ES6 with Code Coverage







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