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Doctoral Thesis Class for the MathSTIC Doctoral School / Université Bretagne Loire


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MathSTIC-UBL LaTeX Class

PhD thesis template for the Université Bretagne Loire (UBL) MathSTIC Doctoral School.

Last version: 2.0.1 Link dowload release 2.0.1

English explanations

This repository contains an 'unofficial' template for the thesis manuscript of the MathSTIC doctoral school of the Université Bretagne Loire.

The main goal of this template is to provide a full automatization of the -related tasks. Basically, you need only to focus on writing your thesis, is it cool, no?

The class provides the cover and back cover, according to the MathSTIC specifications. It provides simple commands to fill all items in the cover (and back cover) as specified in the guide pour compléter les champs. Also, the policy of fonts, paragraphs, page numbering and margins, too, the style of elements positioning (summary, list of items, appendix, bibliography) defined in FORM@DOCT.

Multilanguage support

The class is multilanguage. When you specify the option {french,english} the class expects an English thesis, and actives the Résumé Étendú chapter. Otherwise, if the option is {english,french} the class expects a French thesis, so it disables the Résumé Étendú chapter, and automatically translates the package algorithmc to French.

Fill the front and back cover

To fill the front and back cover is really easy. Considering the as base the file main.tex provided in the template, you need only to fill the commands:

  • About you:


  • About your work:

    -\title{English Title}: English title of you thesis,

    -\subtitle{English subtitle}: English subtitle of you thesis, comment if you dont have one

    -\titre{French Title}: French title of your thesis

    -\suostitre{French subtitle}: French subtitle of you thesis, comment if you dont have one

    -\subject{}: The subject (domain) of your work: Options are found in Spécialités.

    -\tnumber{number}: The thesis number

    -\abstract{}: The abstract of your thesis in English (max 1700 characters).

    -\keywords{}: from 3 to 6 keywords in English.

    -\resume{}: The abstract of your thesis in French (max 1700 characters).

    -\motscles{}: From 3 to 6 keywords in French.

  • About you advisors (one entry per advisor/co-advisor):

    -\advisor[Gender]{Name}{Surname}{Function, establishment}: Informations about your advisor(s).

    • Gender: M (Monsieur, default by omission) or Mme (Madame) --- used to define the french word if (co-)director or (co-)directrice.
    • Name: The first name
    • Surname: the surname (do not put all in caps, the code automatically apply small caps)
    • Function, establishment:
  • About the School:

    -\school{}: Your school, the possibilities are: (AGRO, CS, ECN, ENIB, ENS, ENSAI, ENSTA, IMTA, INSA, LMU, UA, UBO, UBS, UN, UR1, UR2)

    -\cotutele{logo-path}{school-description} (comment isn't in cotutele)

    • logo-path: The path for the logo's file of your cotutele university
    • shool-description: The name of your cotutle university

    -\lab{}: The lab where you've been done your work Options are found in: Les unités de recherche

    -\city{}: The city where you've been done your work.

  • About the big day, your defense's day:

    -\date{}: Your defenses date (in French)

    -\president[Gender]{Name}{Surname}{Function, establishment}:

    • Gender: M (Monsieur, default by omission) or Mme (Madame) --- used to define the french word if President or Presidente.
    • Name: The first name
    • Surname: the surname (do not put all in caps, the code automatically apply small caps)
    • Function, establishment:

    -\rapporteur[Gender]{Name}{Surname}{Function, establishment} (one entry per rapporteur):

    • Gender: M (Monsieur, default by omission) or Mme (Madame) --- used to define the french word if Rapporteur or Rapportrice.
    • Name: The first name
    • Surname: the surname (do not put all in caps, the code automatically apply small caps)
    • Function, establishment:

    -\examinateur[Gender]{Name}{Surname}{Function, establishment} (one entry per examinateur):

    • Gender: M (Monsieur, default by omission) or Mme (Madame) --- used to define the french word if Examinateur or Examinatrice.
    • Name: The first name
    • Surname: the surname (do not put all in caps, the code automatically apply small caps)
    • Function, establishment:

    -\invite[Gender]{Name}{Surname}{Function, establishment} (one entry per invite): if you don't have any guest, remove or comment this entry

    • Gender: M (Monsieur, default by omission) or Mme (Madame) --- used to define the french word if Invité or Invitée.
    • Name: The first name
    • Surname: the surname (do not put all in caps, the code automatically apply small caps)
    • Function, establishment:

    Extra commands:

    -\summary : Make the summary (one level TOC, used at the beginning of the document).

    -\makequotation{Phrase}{Author}{Where}: The quotation at the beginning of the document.

    -\dedicatory{To someone}: The dedicatory at the beginning of the document.

    -\addpart{Title}: To add an unnumbered part to the TOC.

    -\addchap{Title}: To add an unnumbered chaper to the TOC.

    -\addsec{Title}: To add an unnumbered section to the TOC.

    -\addsubsec{Title}: To add an unnumbered subsection to the TOC.

    -\addsubsubsec{Title}: To add an unnumbered subsubsection to the TOC.

    -\epigraph{Quote}{Author}: To make an epigraph, good at the begining of chapters

    -\magicbox{Title of my box}{content}: Create a box with title

    -\simplebox{Title of my box}{content}: Create a box without title

    -\ublmstic: writes $\mathrm{MathSTIC}-\raisebox{.15ex}{U}\raisebox{-.15ex}{B}\raisebox{.15ex}{L}$

    -\apud[see][pgnumber]{author}[opttext][pagenumber]{author}: Produces a indirect citation.

Class options:

To change the document layout, remember. By defined in FORM@DOCT, the options a4paper, 12pt, onehalfspacing, indentfirst and parkskip are mandatory.

  • To change the document layout:
  • papersize: a4paper, letter, etc.;
  • fontsize: 12pt, 10pt, 11pt;
  • linespacing: onehalfspacing, singlespacing, doublespacing
  • nolistspacing: If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists (TOC, LO?) to single
  • indentfirst: To indent the first paragraph of each chapter/section/etc.
  • parskip: To add space between paragraphs
  • headsepline: To get a line under the header
  • chapterinoneline: To place the chapter title next to the number on one line
  • consistentlayout: To change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout
  • liststotoc: To add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents
  • toctotoc: To add the main table of contents to the table of contents
  • nocleverefsupport: to not load the cleveref package. (\Cref and \cref)
  • nohyperrefsupport: to not load the hyperref package.
  • noacro: to not load the acro package.
  • draft: to enable the draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated)

The language setup is defined by one of the following options:

  • {french,english}: Use if you are writting your thesis in English
  • {english,french}: Use if you are writting your thesis in French