This class will set equalHeight columns This class has two methods to be used if a footer element is used or not
Usage: Give the parent row an set ID and add the css class equalHeight to the columns
initialize by calling the class with the parent ID. calling the method setColsSameHeight() will set a fixed height to the columns This is best done in a function that is called on load and resize events
If a footer element is used like a button it can be set to the bottom via the setColsSameHeightFooter() method. The footer element requires the className 'articleFooter'; This method will auto initialize the setColsSameHeight();
recommented initialisation:
<script> //initialize const initEqualHeight = () => { if(document.getElementById("id_of_parent_row")){ const equalHeightClassInit = new equalHeightClass("id_of_parent_row"); equalHeightClassInit.setColsSameHeightFooter(); } } window.addEventListener('load', initEqualHeight); window.addEventListener('resize', initEqualHeight); </script>