This project recreates the official Golang's tutorial Accessing a relational database using docker, so there is no need to install either Go or MySQL.
The goal of this tutorial is to replicate the Golang's tutorial but using docker, therefore you must first download and install it.
You can clone this repo or manually download all its files to your computer.
git clone
In the .env file, we have the variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD. Its value is required to for both our application and our client to access the database.
In the compose.yaml file, regarding our database, we have two important information: services:db and networks:mysql-net:
image: mysql:8.0
container_name: some-mysql
env_file: .env
- 3306:3306
- mysql-net
driver: bridge
name: mysql-net
In db, we assign which mysql image from dockerhub will be used, the container name, the path to the .env file so it can get the variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, which port is going to be exposed and which network the container is going to be connected to. It is important not to use the default docker's bridge network because docker's built-in DNS does not apply to this network.
In mysql-net we assing which driver will be used and the name of the network, which is the same used by our database.
Finally, we can head to a terminal and run our database:
docker compose up db
In a second terminal, we will create a container for the MySQL client:
docker run -it --network mysql-net --rm --name mysql-client mysql:8.0 mysql -hsome-mysql -uroot -p
In the container's terminal, we type the password atributed to the value MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in our .env file, which is admin.
In a third terminal, we will copy the file create-table.sql to our database container:
docker cp ./create-tables.sql mysql-client:/create-tables.sql
In mysql-client's container terminal, we execute the following commands to 1. create the database 2. use it 3. execute the SQL commands from the copyied file and 4. check if the table was successfully created with the given data:
create database recordings;
use recordings;
source /create-tables.sql;
select * from album;
In the .env file, we also have the variables DBUSER and DBPASS. Their value is required to for our application to access the database.
In the compose.yaml file, regarding our application, besides networks that was already covered, we also have services:app:
image: golang:1.21.0-alpine3.18
container_name: go-app
working_dir: /usr/src/app
- .:/usr/src/app
command: go run ./main.go
env_file: .env
- mysql-net
In app, we assign which go image from dockerhub will be used, the container name, from which directory the command will be executed, which files will be copied from the host to the container, which command will be executed, the path to the .env file and which network the container is going to be connected to.
Before running the app, there is only one change that you might do the the file main.go: On line 27, we have the struct key Addr and its value. If your some-mysql container's IP Address is different than, you have to change it to its correct value. In order for you to find its value, you can inspect it using the command docker inspect:
docker inspect some-mysql | grep IPAddress
If your container's IP Adress is, for instance,, change the line 27 to
Addr: "",
Addr: "",
After the adjustments, run the command below in a terminal:
docker compose up app
You should see the following result:
[+] Running 1/0
✔ Container go-app Created 0.1s
Attaching to go-app
go-app | go: downloading v1.7.1
go-app | Connected!
go-app | Albums found: [{1 Blue Train John Coltrane 56.99} {2 Giant Steps John Coltrane 63.99}]
go-app | Album found: {2 Giant Steps John Coltrane 63.99}
go-app | ID of added album: 5
go-app exited with code 0