This it's an automated tool for ETL and Data Developers. It enable you to create production's tables and views packages from develoment enviroment. Warning! Use this at your own convinience and your own risk. Suitable for private and not for cloud enviroment.
Run a_install_python_libraries. It contains pip installation of some libraries such
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Run b_Macro View_Creator in teradata database into your own teradata database user.
Configure TABLE_VIEW_REL.TXT. This file contains line by line the relationship between tables, views and enviroment variable in csv format.
The first line is the header of the file. Plase don't modify, Risk to breake the application.
TARGET_DB_TYPE: Target's Object type. Only can be TABLE or VIEW.
SOURCE_DB: The name of the source database. Example DEV_DWH_TABLES. Please note that this databases starts with 'DEV_' which stand for 'DEVELOPMENT'
TARGET_DB: The name of the target database. Here there are two cases.
If the object it's a TABLE set same as SOURCE_DB.
If it's a VIEW set the views database related to this table database.
PARAM_TARGET_DB: This is the same as TARGET_DB but you may include an enviroment variable for cases which uses versioners as Serena Dimensions and similars.
PARAM_SOURCE_DB: This is the same as SOURCE_DB but you may include an enviroment variable for cases which uses versioners as Serena Dimensions and similars.
Set always the same database in all fields and set enviroment variable for PARAM fields if you like.
Set the relation between the source tables and the views.
Example: This database has no related view, so there isn't need to add an anditional line for that
Configure the td_db_objects.txt. This file contains the data loggin to the teradata server.
Modify the first line with this structure. IP Server, user , password.,teradev,teradev
The sucesive lines supose to be objects in the database with database,tablename format. Set as many as you like. Case which databases were configure as DATAWAREHOUSE it automatically will create a 'view script' for the related table.
dev_dwh_tables,DATOS_personales dev_dwh_tables,YIELD_SUMMARY_3FN dev_staging,YIELD_SUMMARY_3FN dev_staging,YIELD_SUMMARY dev_DMT_TABLES,LOCAL_OFFICE
5.- Execute objetos_td.bat