##Maven command mvn test -Dsuite=testng -Ddataproviderthreadcount=5
cd /usr/local/Cellar/jenkins-lts/${current_version}
nano homebrew.mxcl.jenkins-lts.plist
change --httpPort={desired_port}
brew services stop jenkins-lts
brew services start jenkins-lts
##Run Jenkins agent jenkins-lts
- Manage your google account -> Security
- Section Sing in to Google -> disable the options to add more verifications steps
- Unsafe application access -> enable Allow access of insecure applications
- Go to Configuration -> section Access IMAP -> enable IMAP
- Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Systems (Per default the last LTS Jenkins version in the installation process, you must install all plugins that appears per default between them should be there the plugin to send jenkins email ).
- Jenkins URL (localhost per default)
- Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
- Go to Jenkins Location -> Jenkins URL (Set Jenkins URL)
- Go to System Admin e-mail address (Should have this format: Jenkins Daemon foo@acme.org)
- SMTP server = smtp.gmail.com
- Default user e-mail suffix = @gmail
- Use SMTP Authentication -> Enable
- User Name = user@domain.xx
- Password = pass
- Use TLS = Enable
- SMTP Port = 578
- Reply-To Address = no-reply@jenkins.foo
- Charset = UTF-8
#Selenoid Installation
###Get Docker MacOS installer: https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac/
curl -s https://aerokube.com/cm/bash | bash && ./cm selenoid start — vnc
docker pull selenoid/{browserName:browserVersion}
###Run Selenoid ./cm selenoid start — vnc
./cm selenoid-ui start
./cm selenoid-ui stop
./cm selenoid-ui start --port 8081 (Changing default port 8080 by 8081)