Foodapp is dummy application written in python using django to explore the backend stack of the company during the OBP. It offers functionalties such a CRUD for Restaurants, Customers and Reservations.
- Restaurants can have multiple Restaurant Tables (Tables)
- Restaurants can have multiple Reservations
- Customers can have Reservations of Tables in Restaurants for a specific date
- More than one Reservation on the same Table and date is not possible
- Each Table belongs only to one Restaurant
Customers can send requests using the endpoint of Reservations to book a Table by sending a valid JSON Reservation object. If this is correct, the application "sends an email" to the Customer.
docker-compose up -d
In total, 5 docker containers should run in parallel:
docker-compose ps
- Django web app (django)
- Postgres database (db)
- Asynchronous tasks-broker (celery)
- Message-broker receiver (rabbitmq)
- Message-broker responder (redis)
login at:
Username: django
Password: admin
See the OpenAPI Documentation at: