Docker image for sqlmap
Created using Alpine linux, the current version of this image is 21MB.
Grab it from dockerhub:
$ docker pull paoloo/sqlmap
and use it with:
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ paoloo/sqlmap --url
and the report will be found at /tmp/sqlmap.
If you want to modify and/or build this image:
$ git clone
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Ths script will do everything to build the docker image contained in docker hub.
On older version, you would have to:
$ git clone
$ cd dockered-sqlmap/
$ docker build -t paoloo/sqlmap .
You can create a bash wrapper for docker run commands in you .bashrc
or similar:
docker run --rm -it \
-v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ \
paoloo/sqlmap "$@"
- to find basic vulnerabilities
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ paoloo/sqlmap --url ""
- to deeply inspect found exploitable point and get databasename
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ paoloo/sqlmap --url "" --dbs
- list tables from found databas databasename
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ paoloo/sqlmap --url "" -D databasename --tables
- dump table tablename from database databasename
$ docker run --rm -it -v /tmp/sqlmap:/root/.sqlmap/ paoloo/sqlmap --url "" -D databasename -T tablename --dump