Unity 5.3.4p4 (most updated that is compatible with runtime)
Oculus Utilities 1.3.0 (compatible with runtime)
Oculus Runtime the need for directtorift.exe)
*FOVE's new unity plugin only supports Unity 5.4 or later.
- Plug in USB hub, Oculus(headset and tracker), and Mouse
- Open Oculus Configuration Utility, Click "Advanced", Click "Disable Health and Safety Warning"
- Make sure Octave is closed
- Click EarlyGlaucoma_LeftEye.exe or EarlyGlaucoma_RightEye.exe in Dropbox/Oculus Work/CarolynMa/VF Project (don't check "windowed")
- Instruct patients to wear the eye patch and focus on the center fixation point throughout the test, also do not move head above and below
- Let them know that the fixation point will start with red and change to cyan when the test is 1/4 done, blue when it is 1/2 done, and green when it is finished
- Use "alt"+"tab" to close the test
- Output text file is under /Results folder with test date and time. Feel free to rename with patient names.
*On the graphics laptop generating outputs can be a little slow right after starting Octave, but will be much faster after keeping it open for a while.
- Open Octave and click on Editor at the bottom middle
- Hit F5 for both tabs (heatmap.m and 3D graph.m) to generate graphic outputs
- At prompt, choose file to render
- For 3D graph output, can click on autoscale to look into details or click on Edit/Rotate to rotate around
- In graph outputs, can click on File/Save as to save as pdf files
*To change mode(EarlyGlaucoma/LaterGlaucoma)and eye(left/right):
- Open Unity
- Click on hierachies on the left and choose OVECameraRig/TrackingSpace/CenterEyeAnchor/Light Stimulus
- On the right, choose from "mode" dropdown and "eye" dropdown in manager
- File -> Build Settings -> Build (as LaterGlaucoma_RightEye.exe)
Fixed QA Issues 5/23/17:
- Red dot intensity
- Color transitions
- Later Glaucoma start at 2
- Turn off head tracking
- Save printout as pdf
QA 5/28/17:
- Saving new printouts
- Error counter
- Change color only once (blue-red)
- Make stimuli appear smaller *5. One eye rendering (the splash screen, which can only be turned off in professional accounts of unity, is very distracting in the other eye when rendering to only one eye)