Wrapper arround G. Kovacs & G. Kupi Template Fourier Fitting
In all cases you need to download and compile
Template Fourier Fitting
parameters file (tff.par
) and the Template Fourier decompositions file
) are not necesary.
You can compile (in posix) the tff.f
with the command
$ gfortran tff.f -o tff
$ pip install pytff
$ easy_install pytff
Clone this repo and then inside the local
$ pip install -e .
$ pip install numpy $ python setup.py develop
You can edit the file ~/.config/pytff/pytff.rc
(on posix) or
(on windows); for setup the
location of your tff binary and your working directory. The file
look like
wrk_path =
tff_cmd = tff
- tff_cmd is the full path to the tff command if is empty or not preset tff is the default value.
- wrk_path the default working directory of tff, by default every instance creates their own temp directory.
This project is part of Carpyncho
- The data of tff.par and template.dat is property of G. Kovacs & G. Kupi
- The dataset:single_dat and dataset:split_dat is property of the OGLE Experiment
Juan BC