This repository contains tools useful for pre-processing the inputs of the hydrological model LISFLOOD-OS. It is part of the outcomes of the European project SEED-FD (Project - HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01).
Get a local copy of the repository. You can either download it from GitHub or clone it with Git:
git clone
Move to the root directory of the repository you've just copied:
cd <YOUR_PATH>/lisflood-preprocessing/
Install the package with PiP:
pip install .
This tool finds the appropriate coordinates in the LISFLOOD river network of any point, provided that the catchment area is known. A thourough explanation of the method can be found in Burek and Smilovic (2023).
First, it uses the original coordinates and catchment area to find the most accurate pixel in a high-resolution map. Burek and Smilovic (2023) use MERIT (Yamazaki et al., 2019), which has a spatial resolution of 3 arc-seconds. The result of this first step is, for every point, a new value of coordinates and area, and a shapefile of the catchment polygon in high-resolution.
Second, it finds the pixel in the low-resolution grid (LISFLOOD static maps) that better matches the catchment shape derived in the previous step. As a result, for each point we obtained a new value of coordinates and area, and a new shapefile of the catchment polygon in low-resolution.
Once the package is installed, the tool can be executed from the command prompt by indicating a configuration file:
lfcoords --config-file config.yml
The configuration file defines the input files, the folder where the resulting shapefiles will be saved, and some thresholds used in the process. A template of the configuration file can be found here. Below you find an example:
points: stations.csv # ID, lat, lon, area
ldd_fine: ../data/danube_fd.tif
upstream_fine: ../data/ups_danube_3sec.tif # km2
ldd_coarse: ldd_3min.tif
upstream_coarse: # m2
output_folder: ./shapefiles/
min_area: 100 # km2
abs_error: 50 # km2
pct_error: 1 # %
The tool requires 5 inputs:
- A CSV file of the stations to be located in the LISFLOOD grid. This file must contain four columns with four specific names: 'ID', 'area' in km2, 'lat', 'lon'. Below you find an example of the stations CSV file:
- A map of the local drainage directions in high-resolution, e.g., MERIT.
- A map of the upstream area in high-resolution, e.g., MERIT. The units of this map must be km2, same units as the area field in the CSV file.
- A map of the local drainage directions in low-resolution, i.e., the LISFLOOD static map.
- A map of the upstream area in low-resolution, i.e., the LISFLOOD static map. The units of this map are m2 (instead of km2), as these are the units used in LISFLOOD; the code converts internally this map into km2.
All maps can be provided either in TIFF or NetCDF format.
The tool saves the outputs in the folder specified in the configuration file (output_folder
). Within this folder, the tool will create a series of shapefiles:
Intermediate results:
- A point shapefile with the original location of the input points. In the example, it will be named stations.shp.
- A point shapefile with the updated location of the input points in the finer grid. In the example, it will be named stations_3sec.shp.
- A polygon shapefile with the catchment polygons delineated for each of the input points in the finer grid. In the example, it will be named catchments_3sec.shp.
Final results for the LISFLOOD grid:
- A point shapefile with the updated location of the input points in the LISFLOOD grid. In the example, it will be named stations_3min.shp.
- A polygon shapefile with the catchment polygons delineated for each of the input points in the LISFLOOD grid. In the example, it will be named catchments_3min.shp.
The final SHP point layer contains 6 new columns defining the coordinates and catchment area in both the high-resolution (3sec
in the example) and low-resolution grids (3min
in the example). Example:
The tool checks for conflicts in the relocation of the points both in the finer and coarser grids. If two or more points are in the same location, the tool will create another shapefile (conflicts_3min.shp in the example) with only the conflicting points, so that the user can fix the issue manually.