A tiny essay on image anonymization. So far just works with faces (not all faces yet)
- Extracts images from docx files
- Extracts rectangles of faces using OpenCV Cascade classifier from extracted images
- Applies Gaussian Blur over the ROIs
- Saves anonymized images in a new folder
I'm using jjanzic/docker-python3-opencv to easy install of OpenCV in Linux.
- docker pull jjanzic/docker-python3-opencv
- clone this repo
- load the docs folder with your docs
- docker run --rm --name opencv -v $(pwd):/tmp -it jjanzic/docker-python3-opencv /bin/bash
- cd tmp
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python test.py
- see the results in anonymized folder
The input document
The anonymized output
- Clean images folder after anonym....
- Add other clasiffiers (licence plates, etc.)
- Improve docker integration
- A lot of more things :)