Method | HTTP request | Description |
PGCancelLink | Post /links/{link_id}/cancel | Cancel Payment Link |
PGCreateLink | Post /links | Create Payment Link |
PGFetchLink | Get /links/{link_id} | Fetch Payment Link Details |
PGLinkFetchOrders | Get /links/{link_id}/orders | Get Orders for a Payment Link |
PGCancelLink(xApiVersion *string, linkId string, xRequestId *string, xIdempotencyKey *string, httpClient *http.Client) (*LinkEntity, *http.Response, error)
Cancel Payment Link (Docs)
version := "2022-09-01"
paymentLinkEntity, httpResponse, err := cashfree.PGCancelLink(&version, "go_sdk_link_01", nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
linkId | string | The payment link ID for which you want to view the details. | |
xApiVersion | string | API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD | [default to "2022-09-01"] |
xRequestId | string | Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree |
"cf_link_id": 30111525,
"link_id": "my_links_id_test",
"link_status": "ACTIVE",
"link_currency": "INR",
"link_amount": 100,
"link_amount_paid": 0,
"link_partial_payments": true,
"link_minimum_partial_amount": 20,
"link_purpose": "Payment for PlayStation 11",
"link_created_at": "2024-01-18T19:14:24+05:30",
"customer_details": {
"customer_name": "John Doe",
"country_code": "+91",
"customer_phone": "9999999999",
"customer_email": ""
"link_meta": {
"notify_url": "",
"payment_methods": "",
"return_url": "",
"upi_intent": "false"
"link_url": "",
"link_expiry_time": "2024-10-14T15:04:05+05:30",
"link_notes": {
"key_1": "value_1",
"key_2": "value_2"
"link_auto_reminders": false,
"link_notify": {
"send_email": true,
"send_sms": false
"thank_you_msg": "",
"terms_and_conditions": "",
"enable_invoice": false
PGCreateLink(xApiVersion *string, createLinkRequest *CreateLinkRequest, xRequestId *string, xIdempotencyKey *string, httpClient *http.Client) (*LinkEntity, *http.Response, error)
Create Payment Link (Docs)
version := "2022-09-01"
sendSms := true
createLinkRequest := cashfree.CreateLinkRequest{
LinkId: "my_link_id",
LinkAmount: 30,
LinkCurrency: "INR",
LinkPurpose: "A new product to sell",
CustomerDetails: cashfree.LinkCustomerDetailsEntity{
CustomerPhone: "8908908901",
LinkNotify: &cashfree.LinkNotifyEntity{
SendSms: &sendSms,
paymentLinkEntity, httpResponse, err := cashfree.PGCreateLink(&version, &createLinkRequest, nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
xApiVersion | string* | API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD | [default to "2022-09-01"] |
createLinkRequest | CreateLinkRequest* | Request Body to Create Payment Links | |
xRequestId | string | Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree |
"cf_link_id": 30111525,
"link_id": "my_links_id_test",
"link_status": "ACTIVE",
"link_currency": "INR",
"link_amount": 100,
"link_amount_paid": 0,
"link_partial_payments": true,
"link_minimum_partial_amount": 20,
"link_purpose": "Payment for PlayStation 11",
"link_created_at": "2024-01-18T19:14:24+05:30",
"customer_details": {
"customer_name": "John Doe",
"country_code": "+91",
"customer_phone": "9999999999",
"customer_email": ""
"link_meta": {
"notify_url": "",
"payment_methods": "",
"return_url": "",
"upi_intent": "false"
"link_url": "",
"link_expiry_time": "2024-10-14T15:04:05+05:30",
"link_notes": {
"key_1": "value_1",
"key_2": "value_2"
"link_auto_reminders": false,
"link_notify": {
"send_email": true,
"send_sms": false
"thank_you_msg": "",
"terms_and_conditions": "",
"enable_invoice": false
PGFetchLink(x_api_version: string, link_id: string, x_request_id?: string, x_idempotency_key?: string, options?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<LinkEntity, any>>
Fetch Payment Link Details (Docs)
version := "2022-09-01"
paymentLinkEntity, httpResponse, err := cashfree.PGFetchLink(&version, "go_sdk_link_01", nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
linkId | string* | The payment link ID for which you want to view the details. | |
xApiVersion | string* | API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD | [default to "2022-09-01"] |
xRequestId | string | Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree |
"cf_link_id": 30111525,
"link_id": "my_links_id_test",
"link_status": "ACTIVE",
"link_currency": "INR",
"link_amount": 100,
"link_amount_paid": 0,
"link_partial_payments": true,
"link_minimum_partial_amount": 20,
"link_purpose": "Payment for PlayStation 11",
"link_created_at": "2024-01-18T19:14:24+05:30",
"customer_details": {
"customer_name": "John Doe",
"country_code": "+91",
"customer_phone": "9999999999",
"customer_email": ""
"link_meta": {
"notify_url": "",
"payment_methods": "",
"return_url": "",
"upi_intent": "false"
"link_url": "",
"link_expiry_time": "2024-10-14T15:04:05+05:30",
"link_notes": {
"key_1": "value_1",
"key_2": "value_2"
"link_auto_reminders": false,
"link_notify": {
"send_email": true,
"send_sms": false
"thank_you_msg": "",
"terms_and_conditions": "",
"enable_invoice": false
PGLinkFetchOrders(xApiVersion *string, linkId string, xRequestId *string, xIdempotencyKey *string, httpClient *http.Client) ([]OrderEntity, *http.Response, error)
Get Orders for a Payment Link (Docs)
version := "2022-09-01"
orderEntities, httpResponse, err := cashfree.PGLinkFetchOrders(&version, "go_sdk_link_01", nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
} else {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
linkId | string* | The payment link ID for which you want to view the details. | |
xApiVersion | string* | API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD | [default to "2022-09-01"] |
xRequestId | string | Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree |
"cf_order_id": 2149460581,
"created_at": "2023-08-11T18:02:46+05:30",
"customer_details": {
"customer_id": "409128494",
"customer_name": "Johmn Doe",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "9876543210"
"entity": "order",
"order_amount": 22,
"order_currency": "INR",
"order_expiry_time": "2023-09-09T18:02:46+05:30",
"order_id": "order_3242Tq4Edj9CC5RDcMeobmJOWOBJij",
"order_meta": {
"return_url": "{order_id}",
"notify_url": "",
"payment_methods": "cc"
"order_note": "some order note LIST",
"order_splits": [],
"order_status": "ACTIVE",
"order_tags": {
"name": "John",
"age": "19"
"payment_session_id": "session_a1VXIPJo8kh7IBigVXX8LgTMupQW_cu25FS8KwLwQLOmiHqbBxq5UhEilrhbDSKKHA6UAuOj9506aaHNlFAHEqYrHSEl9AVtYQN9LIIc4vkH",
"payments": {
"url": ""
"refunds": {
"url": ""
"settlements": {
"url": ""
"terminal_data": null