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Python tool to genreate 2D meshes around airfoils


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Python tool to genreate 2D unstructured mesh around an airfoil with GMSH in one command line.


You can install this package from PyPi:

pip install gmshairfoil2d

Or you can clone and install this repository with the following commands:

git clone
cd GMSH-Airfoil-2D
pip install -e .


gmshairfoil2d -h                                    

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  --list                      Display all airfoil available in the database :
  --naca [4DIGITS]            NACA airfoil 4 digit
  --airfoil [NAME]            Name of an airfoil profile in the database (database available with
                              the --list argument)
  --aoa [AOA]                 Angle of attack [deg] (default: 0 [deg])
  --farfield [RADIUS]         Create a circular farfield mesh of given radius [m] (default 10m)
  --box [LENGTHxWIDTH]        Create a box mesh of dimensions [length]x[height] [m]
  --airfoil_mesh_size [SIZE]  Mesh size of the airfoil countour [m] (default 0.01m)
  --ext_mesh_size [SIZE]      Mesh size of the external domain [m] (default 0.2m)
  --no_bl                     Do the meshing without a boundary layer (made with quads)
  --first_layer [HEIGHT]      Height of the first layer [m] (default 3e-5m)
  --ratio_bl [RATIO]          Growth ratio for the boundary layer (default 1.2)
  --nb_layers [NB]            Total number of layers in the boundary layer (default 35)
  --format [FORMAT]           format of the mesh file, e.g: msh, vtk, wrl, stl, mesh, cgns, su2,
                              dat (default su2)
  --cut_te                    Change the trailing edge by cutting the last point (when pointy) to help with
                              boundary layer
  --structural                Generate a structural mesh
  --arg_struc                 Parameters for the structural mesh [leading (axis x)]x[wake
      [LENGTHxLENGTHxLENGTH]  (axis x)]x[total height (axis y)] [m] (default 1x10x10)
  --output [PATH]             output path for the mesh file (default : current dir)
  --ui                        Open GMSH user interface to see the mesh

Examples of use

To check all airfoil available in the database:

gmshairfoil2d --list

For all the following examples, the defauld chord lenght is 1 meter.

To create a circular farfield mesh around a NACA0012 of 10m of radius and see the result with GMSH user interface:

gmshairfoil2d --naca 0012 --farfield 10 --ui --no_bl

GMSH user interface with the 2D mesh

To create a circular farfield mesh around a Drela DAE11 airfoil (the name in the database is "dae11") of 20m or radius with a mesh size of 0.005m on the airfoil:

gmshairfoil2d --airfoil dae11 --farfield 20 --airfoil_mesh_size 0.005 --no_bl

To create mesh around a Eppler E220 airfoil (the name in the database is "e211") with an angle of attack of 8 degree in a box of 12x4m (lenght x height) and save it as a vtk mesh and see the result with GMSH user interface:

gmshairfoil2d --airfoil e211 --aoa 8 --box 12x4 --format vtk --ui --no_bl

GMSH user interface with the 2D mesh, rectangular box

To create a boxed mesh around a NACA 11-H-09 airfoil (the name in the database is "n11h9"), using the boundary layer with default parameters (first layer of height 3e-5, 35 layers and growth ratio of 1.2)

gmshairfoil2d --airfoil n11h9 --ui --box 2x1.4

GMSH result with 2D mesh with boundary layer, rectangular box


Python tool to genreate 2D meshes around airfoils







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