Template rendering for co using co-render. This module provides higher level sugar than co-render to reduce redundancy, for example specifying a views directory and default extension name.
$ npm install co-views
And install whichever engine(s) you use:
$ npm install ejs jade
an object mapping extension names to engine names [{}
default extension name to use when missing [html
cached compiled functions [NODE_ENV != 'development']
For example if you wanted to use "swig" for .html files you would simply pass:
{ map: { html: 'swig' } }
Set the default template extension when none is passed to the render function. This defaults to "html". For example if you mostly use Jade, then you'd likely want to assign this to:
{ default: 'jade' }
Allowing you to invoke render('user')
instead of
When true compiled template functions will be cached in-memory, this prevents subsequent disk i/o, as well as the additional compilation step that most template engines peform. By default this is enabled when the NODE_ENV environment variable is anything but "development", such as "stage" or "production".
Render several users with different template engines in parallel. View
lookup is performed relative to the ./examples
directory passed,
and the "swig" engine is mapped to ".html" files.
var co = require('co');
var views = require('co-views');
var render = views('examples', {
map: { html: 'swig' }
var tobi = {
name: 'tobi',
species: 'ferret'
var loki = {
name: 'loki',
species: 'ferret'
var luna = {
name: 'luna',
species: 'cat'
co(function *(){
var a = render('user', { user: tobi });
var b = render('user.jade', { user: loki });
var c = render('user.ejs', { user: luna });
var html = yield [a, b, c];
html = html.join('');
Dependending on your choice of application structure, you may wish to
share these same settings between all of your application, instead of
constantly initializing co-views. To do this simply create a views.js
module and export the render function returned:
var views = require('co-views');
module.exports = views('views', {
map: {
html: 'swig',
md: 'hogan'