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libsass for Java

A JNA binding to access libsass functionality.

A compiled and ready-to-use version of this library can be found in the in the Maven Central repository. To use the library in your Maven based projects just add the following lines to your 'pom.xml':



libsass for Java uses Semantic Versioning. MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH version are used for the library / Java binding itself. The BUILD METADATA component of the version is used to describe to version of the underlying native C/C++ libsass component.

Native libraries

Compiled dynamic libraries of libsass are bundled inside of the JAR artifact together with the required auto-generated JNA binding classes and nice wrapper classes to allow for a Java-like feeling when working with libsass.

Supported platforms

This is the list of platforms that are directly supported, because the dynamic library has been pre-compiled and bundled:

  • Linux x86-64
  • Linux x86
  • Mac OS X x86-64
  • Windows x86-64
  • Windows x86

If your desired platform / architecture is missing, feel free to open an issue and add a pre-compiled version of libsass for inclusion!

Example code

import com.cathive.sass.SassCompilationException;
import com.cathive.sass.SassContext;
import com.cathive.sass.SassFileContext;
import com.cathive.sass.SassOptions;
import com.cathive.sass.SassOutputStyle;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * A little example to demonstrate some of the features of sass-java.
class SimpleSassExample {

    public static void main(String... args) {

        // Our root directory that contains the
        Path srcRoot = Paths.get("/path/to/my/scss/files");

        // Creates a new sass file context.
        SassContext ctx = SassFileContext.create(srcRoot.resolve("styles.scss"));

        SassOptions options = ctx.getOptions();
                //[...] varargs can be passed to add even more include directories.
        // any other options supported by libsass including source map stuff can be configured
        // as well here.

        // Will print the compiled CSS contents to the console. Use a FileOutputStream
        // or some other fancy mechanism to redirect the output to wherever you want.
        try {
        } catch (SassCompilationException e) {
            // Will print the error code, filename, line, column and the message provided
            // by libsass to the standard error output.
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println(String.format("Compilation failed: %s", e.getMessage()));


Ant Task Example

This example shows how to invoke sass-java from Ant using the bundled Ant task and the maven-antrun-plugin.

                    <path id="plugin.classpath">
                        <path path="${maven.plugin.classpath}"/>
                    <taskdef name="sass" classname="com.cathive.sass.SassTask" classpathref="plugin.classpath"/>
                    <delete dir="${output.dir}"/>
                    <sass in="${sass.srcdir}" outdir="${output.dir}">
                            Note that the task takes a nested `path` element to reference any Sass include directories.
                            <pathelement location="${include1.dir}"/>
                            <pathelement location="${include2.dir}"/>

Ant Task Attributes

in (Path to a directory that contains scss files or a single scss file)

outdir (Directory path where the compiled css should be placed)

precision (number)

outputstyle (0 = nested, 1 = expanded, 2 = compact, 3 = compressed)

sourcecomments (true/false)

sourcemapembed (true/false)

sourcemapcontents (true/false)

omitsourcemapurl (true/false)

isindentedsyntaxsrc (true/false)

sourcemapfile (Path to source map file)

sourcemaproot (Directly inserted in source maps)