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App for Credit Card Churners

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This app collects data daily via web scrapers developed in R. The are then placed in a DynamoDB collection.

A list of all cards can be retrieved in JSON format at The cards are ranked by their calculated dollar value. I used the conversion rates provided by monthly valuations.

Headers/Variables Collected

  • Program
  • CardName
  • Issuer
  • Link
  • IntroOffer
  • Cash
  • Points
  • Nights
  • Credit
  • FeeWaived1stYr
  • Fee
  • Spend
  • img
  • Rate
  • business
  • Value
  • Date


The formula for Value is:

(Points) x (Rate) + Cash + StatementCredit + (150) x (Number of Free Nights) - AF x {0 if waived first year, 1 if not}

  • Points is the introductory points/miles rewards
  • The rate is what would pay for miles or points from a given reward program. For the ones he did not specify, I gave a rate of .01 per point.
  • Cash is the introductory cash rewards
  • Number of nights is how many nights are given as introductory bonus
  • I multiplied nights by 150 because that is typically what I would try and pay for a night.
  • If the fee is waived the first year, I didn't subtract it. If it is paid immediately, I subtracted it. I did not take into account that you might lose your points if you cancel before the second year. I based this off gaining your rewards and then closing your account before anniversary.

So for example Club Carlson:

  • Points: 85,000
  • Rate: .04
  • Fee: 75, not waived
  • Current Value = 85000(.04) - 75 = 265

Changes Wanted

I want to enhance the front-end by using async filters in angular. I am open to any other suggestions as well!