Version 4.2.6
This article describes changes in version 4.2.6 of FCSDKiOS
Version 4.2.6 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.
Improvements to ACBUCDelegate methods
Improvements to localBufferView
Improvements to network connectivity
Improvements to Virtual Background
Transport performance improvements
Video View performance improvements
Concurrency improvements
Improvements to logging and setting call state
iOS13 TrustAll Certificates (insecure connections)
iOS12 loading crash addressed
Video Direction Bug
Uses Version m117 of WebRTC
Fixed a bug where the remoteView video stream may not have resumed streaming from an on hold state.
Addresses H264 Codecs
Important Note
If you find yourself in a situation where ACBClientCallDelegate is not being set in time, please ensure that you are calling it as soon as the call is available during your call flow. In some scenarios, you may need to set it asynchronously via the setDelegate(callDelegate:) method in order to make sure it is set properly in the SDK, but please use this method as a last resort.