Releases: cbajapan/swift-fcsdk-ios
Improvements to network connectivity
improvements to localBufferView
improvements to ACBUCDelegate methods
Version 4.2.5
This article describes changes in version 4.2.5 of FCSDKiOS
Version 4.2.5 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.
We fixed an issue where setting the ACBClientCallDelegate may not have been set.
Ensuring that when a new view is fed to the SDK's remote and local views they are created properly.
Fixed an issue where iOS 13 users may not have been connecting to the socket.
Fixed an issue where initial localBufferView
s may have been flickering.
The localBufferView
will now appear when the call state transitions to .inCall
Fixed an issue where applications may have crashed after a duration of 10 minutes.
Introduced and Deprecated methods that should be called from an Async Context in order to protect synchronization of state.
Below is a list of methods where the synchronous methods were deprecated and we request you to use the listed async versions below
await call.enableLocalVideo(false)
await call.enableLocalAudio(false)
await call.hold()
await call.resume()
await call.end()
_ = await
[_call enableLocalVideo:videoState completionHandler:^{}];
[_call enableLocalAudio:audioState completionHandler:^{}];
[_call holdWithCompletionHandler:^{}];
[_call resumeWithCompletionHandler:^{}];
[_call endWithCompletionHandler:^{}];
[ setCamera: self.currentCamera completionHandler:^{}];
[self-> recommendedCaptureSettingsWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray<ACBVideoCaptureSetting*>* recCaptureSettings) {}];
We also added some additional parameters for video scaling on our buffer views. Please note the following behaviors.
The horizontal scale mode is designed to scale the content with its aspect ratio to the widest point. This means if your view is too short in relationship with the aspect ratio, then it will clip the height of the content. If the view is too tall, then you will see black space on the top and bottom of the view's content.
The vertical scale mode is designed to scale the content with its aspect ratio to the tallest point. This means if your view is too narrow in relationship with the aspect ratio, then it will clip the width of the content. If the view is too wide, then you will see black space on the left and right of the view's content.
The fill scale mode is designed to scale the content to fill the view's container with its aspect ratio. This means the view will clip both height and width of the content in order to fill the view.
The none scale mode feeds the raw data into the view without any scaling.
This boolean property is intended for use when the scale mode is set to .vertical or .horizontal. For instance you may want to start out a call in .vertical
mode for both localBufferView
and remoteBufferView
, however when a device rotates, you may then want to scale to the opposite longest point i.e. .horizontal
mode. Setting this parameter to true will give you this behavior.
Here are what these properties look like in use
scaleMode: .horizontal,
shouldScaleWithOrientation: false
scaleMode: .horizontal,
shouldScaleWithOrientation: false
These APIs provide you with a truly customizable approach in your applications.
More improvements to local buffer view
Fixed hide/unhide video while microphone is muted
Fixes done to virtual background, localBufferView, and video delivery performance improvements
Aspect Ratio Fixes
Performance improvements
Bug fixes
First beta release for version 4.2.5
Version 4.2.4
This article describes changes in version 4.2.4 of FCSDKiOS
Version 4.2.4 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.
We fixed an issue where apps using the module would crash if on an unsupported operating system (i.e. iOS 11/12)
We fixed an issue where setting mirrorFrontFacingCameraPreview
was not working
Version 4.2.3
This article describes changes in version 4.2.3 of FCSDKiOS
Version 4.2.3 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.
Fixed orienatation issue while device is laying flat for the local video view.
A potential issue where calling a Sip endpoint could result in a crash
Fixed Back camera mirrored issue
Known Issues
- Though FCSDKiOS is only designed to run on operating systems greater or equal to iOS 13, we allow the importation of the FCSDKiOS Module into iOS 11 and 12. In FCSDKiOS 4.2.3 this functionality does not work. Please check for the bug fix in future versions or revert to using version 4.2.2.
Version 4.2.2
This article describes changes in version 4.2.2 of FCSDKiOS
Version 4.2.2 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.