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Releases: cbajapan/swift-fcsdk-ios


08 May 17:25
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Version 4.2.1

This article describes changes in version 4.2.1 of FCSDKiOS


Version 4.2.1 has several bug fixes and performance improvements. Below is a list of bug fixes.

CBA Swift FCSDK minimum iOS Version support

FCSDKiOS has a minimum version of iOS 13. However, we now allow you to consume our SDK when your projects have a minimum version of iOS 11. You must use the appropriate runtime and compile time checks when using the SDK. This is easily achieved with the following code:

Run Time

@available(iOS 13.0, *)
//Your Run Time Method
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
    //Your Run Time Code

Compile Time

#if canImport(_Concurrency)
// Your Compile Time Code

Please take note that in some Xcode projects issues have occured if your application is running on iOS 11 and 12 where the project will crash on the initilization of the SDK. In this case you need to make sure the build setting entitled Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries is set to Yes .

Fixed setDefaultAudio() not working

When setDefaultAudio() was called, it did not properly use the set value when audio hardware routes changed. We now have fixed this issue.

Status Media changed to media pending after agent answered

We fixed an issue involving the call state changing at a certain point in the call flow's stream of events when receiving an inbound call.

Fixed an issue where setCamera() was not functioning properly

We fixed an issue where setting the camera always was toggling instead of the indicated camera position.


03 Apr 09:38
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Version 4.2.0 has introduced new features. The following is a list of new features.

Feature implementations

  1. Virtual Background Support
  2. Picture in Picture Support
  3. CocoaPods as a delivery system

Bug Fixes
We also fixed an issue where setting the WebSocket connection timeout was failing

Please see the release article for 4.2.0


11 Jan 07:37
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Version 4.1.0 reaches a new milestone in getting closer to full usage of Swift Concurrency in order to prevent data races

Please use new Async methods where available

Asynchronously create UC object

ACB Delegates have a async counter part

Methods added to handle CallKit audio issues

Changed 2 optional property conformances to a non optional conformance

Please see the release article for 4.1.0


14 Dec 13:42
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4.1.0-beta.1 Pre-release

This beta release has several improvements to the concurrency model.
We also added functionality that forces the incoming call audio to work during a CallKit inbound call.
Fixed a bug where storyboards UIView was removed from hierarchy after a call hang up.
Upgraded WebSocket concurrency model.
Several other bug fixes.


10 May 10:15
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This release supports Simulator for Intel based macs.
Improvements to FCSDK Concurrency Model.
Improvements to Audio Session Manager.
Improvements to Peer Connection Factory.
Improvements to the WebSocket Library.


11 Apr 01:31
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We are happy to announce the official release of FCSDKiOS 4.0.0.

There are breaking changes between FCSDKiOS < 4.0.0 and 4.0.0. Please see our migration guide for details. Please also read thoroughly our Documentation for any other additional changes or new features.

Migrating from the legacy SDK

This major version release has been re-written in Swift and supports the latest iOS technology, including Swift Concurrency.

We have built a native in-house WebSocket library that FCSDK uses, so any WebSocket library you are currently using in your applications will not be affected.

You may use a MTK View or SampleBufferDisplayLayer for your remote views depending on your use case. Please see the developer documentation for more details.

This Swift Package has been built with DocC documentation for easy reference of our iOS documentation. Any Documentation changes will be stated where to look in future versions of this SDK in the release notes. For more information on DocC documentation, please see this article DocC Documentation.

Please follow this repository for FCSDKiOS updates.


16 Feb 03:32
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This release features

  • Opens up Log to File a class method on ACBUC for users to control if they want to log to file

Concurrent calls are not supported


14 Feb 04:16
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This release features

We provide a SampleBufferView if you choose to have your remote view rendered without MTKView.
We removed the optional call parameter to pass on ending calls.

Concurrent calls are not supported


09 Feb 09:48
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This release features a robust number of improvements including

  • When the WebSocket loses connection during an answer call flow, we will reconnect and send the answer/end message.
  • We reclaim memory as expected in the SDK Flow

Concurrent calls are not supported


28 Dec 10:04
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  • This version of FCSDKiOS uses M95 for Real Time Communication.