Generate a CSS stylesheet automatically from an HTML document with Tailwind-like class names. No external dependencies (except glibc).
<main class="w-100% uw:w-75% bg-#181818">
<div class="flex column gap-1rem"></div>
.w-100\% {
width: 100%;
.bg-\#181818 {
background-color: #181818;
.flex {
display: flex;
.column {
flex-direction: column;
.gap-1rem {
gap: 1rem;
/* Ultrawide */
@media (min-width: 3886px) {
.uw\:w-75\% {
width: 75%;
(ommitted some default styles for clarity)
# Compile via Makefile (uses clang)
# Or compile however you want
gcc -o taillight taillight.c
zig build-exe taillight.c
# Default input is ./index.html and default output is ./taillight.css
# Or you can specify what you want
./taillight ./path/to/input.html ./path/to/output.css
# I highly recommend the watch mode (-w|--watch) so you don't have to remember
# to rerun taillight every time you modify your html
./taillight --watch
./taillight -w input.html output.css
make test
# Optionally silence the Make output
make test -s
Probably coming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯