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Chasing the Wind

preamble-project new venture beginnings

The white privilege to disadvantaged minority seven year sojourn led to an epiphany, small business ownership, and wholly ethical, effectively disruptive digital self that is the co-author to the preamble-project.


I, C Brennan Poole, Principal Chief & Creative Strategist as of 14 July, 2020 still sit here emphatically and unequivocally convinced that if somehow, someway, someone would take to funding this venture, recidivism, revolving doors, and substance misuse would finally take a turn into a manageable, attainable, digression in turn effectiveley signaling an end to the corporatocracy and outright hypocritical politicking that has been fueling whole earth with its back-room dealings, and commercial interest constituents lies. For far too long. And whether willful ignorance is the underlying complicitness, or outright caught with hand in US cookie jar; full of unsuspecting homo sapiens. That complicitness is no longer an option. It can no longer be tolerated, and must be forever eradicated. Starting at the head of the snake; while using the dirty money hoarded by corporate interest, pyramid schemes, big techs egregious and downright unethical data thievery. Thieving to leverage and subliminally affect billions of mindless feeders. As well as the legacy of multi-generational juris— where's prudence? Temperance? How about Vengeance? Oh yes. It's time to act. Pandemic was the flare this preamble was attempting to speak to. Self - admit, failure was expected however. This is but a glimpse into a single man's web of truths. It's dysfunctional. As am I. Unorthodox. In every sense of the word. The o.u.d. collective is but solo collective. DUNS calls for 7 of me. It's mental health and manic-persuaded. Own it. I do. But a caste out, thown out, forgotten completely about detective of conscience. Hacking with unfettered truth causation. a personal mental health master peace.


x.________ with Wind LLC



  1. Preamble-Project
  2. Year One Milestones
  3. Mission
  4. Vision
  5. Long Goals
  6. End Game
  7. Model
  8. Elements
  9. Non - Negotiables
  10. The People Problems
  11. Cite - Seeing
  12. Hypotheses
  13. Market Research
  15. Intellectual Property
  16. GodSpeed New Friends!


with Wind

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to bring logiC–to–Stigma; sH—IT–'stics

We the people believe that opportunity, inclusion, and hope for the future, establish a more perfect union; not legislation, medication or North American incarceration.

2020 Designed by vectorpouch / Freepik | 🍑-🥜-🌱 | 🌬_ 🚛💵💨_ 🏃 _ 🌪

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Year One Milestones

Oh and Thanks! For having a look see at Chasing the Wind, LLC Preamble-Project. It's a tiny peace of self-realized digital real estate. In a corner of the vast expanse that is the GitHub domain. Jekyll Pages architectured. With a Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike (CC BY-SA) International 4.0 Fair Cultural Works licensing. Some rights reserved. Now onto all that is this Preamble to what certainly is and will someday become a feasible dream.

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First 50 Weeks

The first 50 weeks can be summed up in four words. Fail Huge. Continuous Improvement.

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Week 51-Present

Things got worthy of sharing around the 50th week into premature business incorporations. After using the world's most widely trafficked Venture Capital API to put everything that is Chasing the Wind - and my idea of a proper business model - to the ultimate test. My goal immediately after publishing - was simple. Make the Top 100,000 for organization CB Rank. Then consider seeking funding. That was about 250,000 spots higher than when I was initially ranked. And I'd crush my personal goal in less than two days. In retrospect - rather than winging it - and playing the game that is the world wide web - I should have dialed back - and laid out a framework for all the attention I continue to receive.

Y Combinator SUS 2019 Google Cloud for Startups Sep 21 '19-Present
CrunchBase Top 50k Organizations Crunchbase Top 2500 Founders
South By Southwest 2020 SXSW2020 Pitch Invite Red Herring Top 100 Tech Startup Invite
Leafedin on Linkedin Dribbble Chief Zack Onisko extends Player invite

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Founded November 15, 2018

Using gains made from stock purchase into CV Sciences (OTC: CVSI:US). Formation as a legal entity was made prematurely (long before having a clue exactly what CTW was going to be, much less offer as a service or product) with profits from an ethical phytocannabinoid rich, whole plant hemp manufacturer and cannabidiol company, as a means to motivate and help keep an eye on the prize.

Stocks were purchased in the .30 cent range and sold above in mid $5's about 10 and a half months later.

CVSI had a great idea in attempting to *attack smokeless tobacco (snuff / chew / dip / spit) and having a former MLB athlete up in the C-Suite.

Real-life. Real People Problems. Really big ideas. And feasible dreams.

  • Three weeks after purchasing the stock, life as I once knew it, would change.
    • Forevever.
      - Ultimately, for the better.

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Our mission is to leverage the cannabis cause and everything it stands for with the sustainable business model millennials' are mastering; push for renewable resources, reusable energies, and full utilization of emerging open source Learning Management Systems (LMS), to deliver innovation, education, and digital solutions; a for profit common good works; Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike International 4.0 license. Fair Cultural Works.

All to help bridge the digital skill and widening wealth gaps in order to create opportunity and reimagine the current cannabis conundrum.

75 million jobs are expected to be displaced by 2022 in 20 major economies. At the same time, technological advances and new ways of working could also create 133 million new roles, driven by large-scale growth in new products and services that would allow people to work with machines and algorithms to meet the demands of demographic shifts and economic changes.

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Deliver a truly transparent, cloud architecture, utilizing state-of-the-art emerging technologies and a common good approach to partner with the private and liaison to the public sectors in order to deliver these digital solutions into North American institutions (prisons, jails, juveniles, centers, schools and shelters).

Putting alternative answers like hemp health to an altruistic test; serving as the common ground topic for our people who are in most need of the ability to capture the opportunity that is the North American Dream (i.e. socioeconomic disadvantaged minorities, disabled, and our freedom fighters, United States Veterans); in effect addressing the most egregious problems; caused by an unwinnable war that has only worsened over the past forty some odd years; North American (and becoming global) people problems, which are far too prevalent on our continent today.

The problems, continue to be attacked separately. While the schism continues to seperate.

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  1. Curb the black market,
  2. Bridge digital skills and
  3. Socioeconomic Gaps.
  4. Deliver state-of-the-art emerging technologies into our North American Institutions while
  5. Leveraging the herbaceous plant cannabis sativa as the common ground point-of-topic; to keep our target audience engaged, and objectively informed. - Create first-day out opportunities for those that put in the self-work and wholly to commit to self-worth.

It’s critical that individuals take a proactive approach to their own lifelong learning. In addition, businesses and governments need to actively support workforces in learning and developing skills.

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  1. Collectively co-pen Opioid Epidemic Resolution Article 05TEN!9.
  2. Defeat of stigma.
  3. Drug War Ends.
  4. Opportunity for all begins.
  5. [The Beloved Community]( "As Dr. King often said, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere; He felt that justice could not be parceled out to individuals or groups, but was the birthright of every human being in the Beloved Community”) is that much closer to actualization.

Addressing the most egregious problems which are far too prevalent in North America Today.

Extreme poverty can be a cause of specific human rights violations, for instance because the poor are forced to work in environments that are unsafe and unhealthy. At the same time, poverty can also be a consequence of human rights violations, for instance when children are unable to escape poverty because the State does not provide adequate access to education.

Chasing the Wind, llc is a Georgia Grown, lean, sustainable startup. Using investigative journalism to drive the e-commerce monetization angle that will hold our self and canna-business accountable and LMS / emerging technologies to deliver digital solutions to our North American Institutions.

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Ours is a multi-faceted framework and a sustainable model with ethical FDA compliant marketing practices. Lean management principals. And an eye on the long. Using transformational and kaizen leadership to develop human resources for Information Technology, the cannabis, and whole plant hemp industry.

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Our cornerstones (x4) are Total Customer Satisfaction thru quality management principles with clearly defined goals / key performance indicators (KPI), and an eye on the long.

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  1. Improve cannabis and hemp industry image through measurable works.
  2. Implement and author an authentic and objective content strategy bringing investigative journalism to an unregulated, and all new industry; that's growing like the weed that is fueling it.
    • COA web scrape and comprehensive analysis of the current testing methods and questionable marketing tactics used by labs/brands to confuse the dilution that currently exists.
    • Forensic analysis of Marijuana Tax Revenues.
    • Starting with the State of Colorado to determine why the state with a billion in Tax revenues.
    • The most successful cannabis program on earth still has its teachers heading up walk-outs and demanding better conditions for them and the children they teach.
  3. A deep dive into the actual actionable works accomplished by some of the not-for-profits in industry.
    • Talkers.
    • Doers.
  4. Following the daily happenings on Capitol Hill as well as regional and Southeastern action.
    • Hoping to partner with some pre-existing brands as to be able to share content fairly and ethically.
  5. Apply Quality Management (Toyota Way) methodology establishing best practices that are easy-to-implement and easy to scale for
    • Farms,
    • Farmers,
    • Families,
    • Labs, and
    • E-commerce / Retail Businesses.
  6. Simplify the process of self-learning digital skills by creating a clear and simple path for all to follow; using best-in-class resources and a mentor-based knowledge base.
  7. Improve awareness of recidivism rates while working with successful models to develop a national project using cloud architecture and emerging technologies to scale.
    • Addressing the illicit market and
    • Providing an easy-to-scale actionable answer.
  8. Presenting 'The Case for Cannabis' and
    • Opportunity that exists in the State of Georgia.
    • New Frontier Data projects Georgia as the highest potential revenue in the medical market - THC Free Phytocannabinoid Rich - Recreational (in time) - Industrial Hemp

Qualitative Goals

  1. Help bridge the skills gap by delivering readily available resources to provide the applied digital skills training into our
    • Veterans' Centers
    • Adult Learning Facilities (for disabled or otherwise),
    • American prison systems,
    • County Jails, and
    • Juvenile detention centers.
      1. Into the hands of our socioeconomically disadvantaged minorities;
        • A grossly
          1. Under,
          2. Un- and,
          3. Unemployable subsector of the North American economies'.
  2. Leverage the same plant, that, to this day, continues to be unjustly used to incarcerate over 600,000 Americans per year, as means to
    • Gainful employment,
    • Opportunity
    • Economic stability and
    • Improved pscyhe of the
      1. Formerly Incarcerated.
  3. In making the problem the solution, the expected outcome is:
    • Reduction of the illicit marijuana market
    • Boost to the
      1. Medicinal,
      2. Recreational, and
      3. Whole herbaceous plant; hemp plant sector.***
      4. Added tax revenues from
        • Uncollected and
        • Unresolved illicit marijuana market.

Sentencing policies of the War on Drugs era resulted in dramatic growth in incarceration for drug offenses. Since its official beginning in the 1980s, the number of Americans incarcerated for drug offenses has skyrocketed from 40,900 in 1980 to 452,900 in 2017.

Furthermore, harsh sentencing laws such as mandatory minimums keep many people convicted of drug offenses in prison for longer periods of time: in 1986, people released after serving time for a federal drug offense had spent an average of 22 months in prison.

By 2004, people convicted on federal drug offenses were expected to serve almost three times that length: 62 months in prison.

At the federal level, people incarcerated on a drug conviction make up nearly half the prison population.

At the state level, the number of people in prison for drug offenses has increased ninefold since 1980.

Although, it has begun declining in recent years.

Most are not high-level actors in the drug trade, and most have no prior criminal record, or violent offenses (with a victim involved).

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Quantitative Goals

  1. See Prohibition End
  2. Realize 7 year exit strategy & conversion to not-for profit business model.
    • Long-term goal is to help Draft The Opioid Epidemic Resolution after pivoting to full-time commitment on tackling the substance use epidemic.
  3. **Facilitate creation of
    • **In-Demand,
    • High Growth,
    • Well paying careers over the course of the next 7 years in
      1. Information Technology sector
      2. Cannabis Sativa
        • Whole Plant Hemp
          1. Ancillary services relating to
            • IT and
            • Agribusiness, plus
            • Agritourism, and
              • Camping
                • RV Rentals (In partnership with Poole Outdoors, LLC)
          2. Canna-business Logistics (*Supply-Chain Management, Our specialized interest)

Already gaining interest with a single post for a singular RV Rental having rented it 4 times (with no ad spend or marketing); utilizing the Outdoorsy network and app to solicit while on cruise-control.

**Credit: 12 Industries That Will Thrive Thanks To MillennialsCB

The once criminalized cannabis will continue to cause global revolutionary hyper-growth in agribusiness and we see opportunities a plenty in ancillary offerings.

As people and communities realize the message, acknowledging God's green herbaceous health and wellness plants;

  1. A perfect complement to the surging
    • Sustainability Models, and
    • Renewable Mindsets.

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The People Problems The Plant Problems The Profitability Possibilities
A Multi-directional Overview
Growing Gaps Psychoactive-Free Phytocannabinoid Rich Cannabidiol Cause
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Medical Maijuana Earmarked opioid epidemic Government and NGO Partnerships / Grant Funding.
Opioid Crisis Recreational Okay Google Actions are needed (Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and NFD's Zefyr you too.
Recidivism & Reentry Whole Plant Cannabacea Rural Prosperity Task Force spearheaded by USDA (Head of Agriculture Sonny Perdue; Former Governor of Georgia, A multi-generational Georgia-Grown Farmer as well.
Greed Non-compliant Market All Ancillary Services
SWOT Call to Act Summary

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  1. Open source, open border, open for all as an always accessible, fully transparent repository on the platform.
  2. All-inlcusive. Expect and respect diversity. A True Meritocracy
  3. Establish and implement simple yet actionable measurables fueling data-driven Solutions.
  4. Launch from Google Cloud Platform; full leverage of the platform and resources as to progressively deliver current and emerging technologies, utilizing all that is
    • Machine Learning,
    • Artificial Intelligence,
    • Kubernetes, and
    • Natural Language Processing.

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Chasing the Wind, llc has chosen to allocate all benefits from the Google Cloud for Startups program & SUS recently awarded to be fully utilized in their entirety on the preamble-project, as a means to kickstart the launch, further extending and facilitating lean principles, sustainable development, and allowing for selective alignment / potential funding partners (even if we are sick and tired of Top Ramen & Hot Sauce.

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A California Company's Example and Proven Record of Success

The Last Mile Project, a framework and blueprint worthy of emulation, prepares incarcerated individuals for successful reentry through business and technology training.

The Last Mile Project's Tagline

Changing Lives Through Tech

The Last Mile's Four-pillars of Success

Education Vocation Expansion Reentry
Simple Attainable Lean Unquestionable Measurables
Served 460 students since '10 12 locations Ca, In, Ks, Ok 0% recidivism rate National Avg. 55%

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Chasing the Wind Preliminary Ancillary Model

Diagnostic Therapeutic Custodial
Prospecting eager candidates Training and mentoring (possibly aiding with housing) Starting from First Day Out
🩺 Forging Partnerships with IT Juggernauts and **Cannabis / Hemp-related Companies / Associations Offering Best-in-7 Class Pay 🔬 A Feasible Common-Good Moonshot

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Cloud Services, IT, and Machine Learning  are developing at break-neck speeds while driving faster growth and efficiency for businesses and society, but there is a lack of digital skills in the workforce.

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Competition for high-skill workers will increase, while displacement will be concentrated mainly on low-skill workers, continuing a

trend that has exacerbated income inequality and reduced middle-wage jobs. quoting from matrials by the World Economic Forum

The US needs more workers and needs to do a better job of educating, preparing, and retraining the potential workers it already has to ensure that all Americans are positioned to prosper in the face of future economic competition. Critically, workforce advantages the  US once enjoyed can only be rebuilt by better accessing the full diversity of our available talent— including from groups whose       > potential contributions the US has failed to fully support and cultivate in the past. [Growing the American Work Force from the Committee for Economic Development](    

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Recidivism / Reentry

Recidivism rates are at their worst levels on Earth due to drug wars beginning to end, legislation finally recognizing the gross over-incarceration that's been in place for nearly 40 years.

  • The causes cited for relapse into criminal behavior include

    • A failure of prisons to rehabilitate
    • Addiction,
    • Lack of job skills,
    • Lack of educational upon entry and further stagnation while incarcerated,
      • Soft skills oftentimes cease to exist or
        • Have deteriorated to the point of near non-existance
    • Lack of sustainable funding upon release first day out with no actionable plans in place to immediately establish a fair, working income.
      • Environment either failed to improve while incarcerated or
        • Has further deteriorated due to burden incarceration creates to those that have supporting families on the outside,
          • No family / social support system in place,
          • Socioeconomics and the underlying disadvantages increased with new offense and employment gaps,
          • Stigma that comes with criminality and the all-encompassing bucket of blame that society tends to associate that word with (especially in the current epidemic environment, associating addiction with criminality as an automatic, whereas is nothing more than stereotypical assumption). Overall, rates of recidivism have been going up, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics: Source:
  • While what was already an

    • overcrowded
    • underfunded
    • exhausted reentry/community supervision model.

A model that's original intention was to assist the formerly incarcerated and serve as a conduit back to some sense of normalcy. As the newly released struggle with strengthening their psyche and overcoming stigma disease.

It was not instituted to play the role it currently holds. As the doorstop for the turnstile that has created what is otherwise known as the revolving door policy of the American Criminal [in]Justice System.

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SUD & The Opioid Epidemic

  • Making the connection with substance misuse, the opioid crisis, and recidivistic statistics is a simple Aristotelian logic equation.
    1. Wars were claimed on Drugs.
    2. Non-violent, victimless crimes became felonious; carrying mandatory minimum discriminatory sentences.
      • Causing addicts to become public enemy number one.
      • With America in the throes of a socioeconomic war, that either, lost sight of the intended target, or never understood who to target from the onset.
        1. Each one is a seperate issue and seperately we continue to fail in fighting them.
          • Once the string of logic is followed, the common threads become more obvious.
          • Those strings can be seen tugging on the epidemic, substance use, and recidivistic statistics.
            1. Their names - War on Drugs. - Stigma.

Preamble-Project is an impossible to refute evidence-based strategy establishing an absolute need for fighting the stigma disease.

  • FINALLY, by bringing these people problems together, the **underlying issues
    • *lack of Opportunity, and
    • Diminishing Self-Worth* will surface becoming more visible to the unaffected.
    • The inertia we seek.
      1. Allowing for
        • Replenishment of Opportunity and
        • Equality for all sub-sectors of North American Citizens.**

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These events will help create a long-lasting domino effect; tilting the tides to the favor of the people . While further weakening, and helping to fuel the fire that is going to bring America to Drug War Ends.

  1. As prohibition finally winds down.

  2. Allowing a system to begin developing consisting of We the People; made for the people.

  3. Under God.

  4. with Liberty.

  5. And Justice for all.

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Market Research

TK! We started by conducting market research on a broad selection of suppliers. By looking at five different companies suppliers across the country, we were able to analyze the data collected in order to help us determine the elements that would help us in making the preamble-project a lasting success. The categories we focused on included price, compliant marketing and customer engagement, distribution, product mix, and high concentration certificates of analysis.

In addition, we spoke with companies in various stages of their life cycle, some only a months old while others being first to market.

The following are reports from each company summarizing the key points that aligned with our objective:


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16 Nov 2019 Latest Updates

SXSW 2020 Pitch registration closes at midnight CST in less than 48 hours. And as a lean startup, we need to source the $220 registration fee if that it is in our plans. In the meantime, we are going to remain steadfast and press on; holding onto the ideals and core values of continuous improvement, measurable good works, and faith in something more.

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21 Nov 2019 Latest Updates

Real-time Journey of Continuous Improvement and constant personal, professional, and organizational development.

  1. SXSW waived the registration fees (🙏🏽)! (_See faith line 269).
    • Not just once but twice!
      • We were late with entering having had
        • some technical and
        • personal difficulties due to
          • having my daughter in my lap and
          • facing the deadline with an
            • opportunity of a lifetime sitting on the screens in front of me.

A most gracious gesture by them that we never expected or asked for. So South by Southwest, from us to y'all, Thank You for that undeserved kindness!

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24 Nov, 2019 Latest Updates

  1. 4,296 CB Rank Last check
  2. The tech publication Red Herring has also extended an invite to register for the Top 100 Tech Startups. Still need to do our due diligence before deciding on that.
  3. CBD Capital Group has reached out about aligning or acquiring. Doubt they'd acquire as my number is set. $7,172,017. Birthday of my only daughter and epitome of everything undeserved kindness stands for: Miss Shiloh Grace Poole.
  4. Able to capture $10,000 thanks to Digital Ocean and The Y Combinator Startup School program we particpated in earlier this year. 5 The industries oldest marketing, branding, and advertising agency has touched base after solicited pitch this past summer we'd all but forgotten about.
  5. UN habitat sent 23 messages to attempt & convince to apply for International Award for Best Practices in Sustainable Development (weren't ready yet, have worked towards getting there since day one.

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9 Dec Latest Update

  1. CB Rank 3,697 Founder
  2. CB Rand 48,227 Company
  3. Dribbble extends an invite. (From Chief of Dribbble Zack Onisko renowned growth-hacker).
  4. SXSW 2020 Pitch Eval squad takes a 2nd look, with 3 more sets of fresh eyes joing in the judging.

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25 Dec, 2019

  1. CB Rank 2,218 MADE GOAL
  2. Chasing the Wind | Linkedin has seen 4,000% Growth
  3. Work continues (Holidays hampered also had been out-of-pocket past two weeks working with a Home Builder and discussing an actionable path for potential employees starting first day out.

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4 Jan, 2020

  1. CB Rank as high as 1,818 (no more self-promo).
  2. FAILED to make SXSW 2020 Pitch
  3. Project is not over, but is being shelved to attain gainful employment for indeterminable amount of time.

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Intellectual Property of Chasing the Wind, LLC emoji-brand name: 💨🏃🌪 "to bring logic to stigma; sh—IT–'stics"

Total Customer Satisfaction thru Toyota Way Quality Management and Kaizen Leadership Principle's email: | An actionable alternative to current American Prescribing Practices and recovery from the lasting effects caused by a man-made greed-driven epidemic; The Opioid Crisis; An American People Problem of Epidemic Proportions. email: | Objective Investigative Journalism meets the Cannabis, Cannabusiness, Whole Hemp Health and Wellness industry. Right in line with those Twenty Twenty Times. Much much more to come from kanebas kägnazens. for more email:

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Began as a moonshot of a dream while on a sojourn and seven year wilderness walk while wild-eyed worrying. The eclectic detective's socially conscientious mental health master peace. Dynamic Model. Static mission: Work without ceasing accumulating wealth while bootstrapping a divinely inspired feasible dream to ultimately help Draft and collectively co-pen The Opioid Epidemic Resolution: Article 05TEN19 email: | Ecommerce and Carroll, L inspired educational resources / daily tab building and real-time informative environment. Want to take a deep dive down White Oh My! I'm Late! I'm Late! I'm Late! No time to say hello goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!” ani-brand Name: 🐇⛳🕸 for ecommerce partnership potential or further information email:

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God Speed



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Creative Commons License
Unless otherwise notated, The Chasing the Wind, LLC operates under an open startup, open culture methodology and works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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