- 中文版
LoRaWan arduino node
Provides an Arduino library to control the DFR1115 for LoRa communication.
To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.
* @fn setRegion
* @brief Sets the LoRaWAN region.
* @param region Region enum value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setRegion(eRegion_t region);
* @fn setFreq
* @brief Sets the frequency.
* @param freq Frequency value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setFreq(uint32_t freq);
* @fn setBW
* @brief Sets the bandwidth.
* @param bw Bandwidth value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setBW(uint32_t bw);
* @fn setSF
* @brief Sets the spreading factor.
* @param sf Spreading factor value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setSF(uint8_t sf);
* @fn setRxCB
* @brief Sets the receive callback function. This function is called when the gateway sends data to the node.
* @param callback Pointer to the callback function
void setRxCB(rxCB *callback);
* @fn setRxCB
* @brief Sets the receive callback function for a specific case.
* @param callback Pointer to the callback function
void setRxCB(rxCB3 *callback);
* @fn setAppEUI
* @brief Sets the Application EUI.
* @param appeui Application EUI
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setAppEUI(const char *appeui);
* @fn setAppKEY
* @brief Sets the Application Key.
* @param appkey Application Key
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setAppKEY(const char *appkey);
* @fn setDevType
* @brief Sets the device type.
* @param classType Device class enum value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setDevType(eDeviceClass_t classType);
* @fn setDataRate
* @brief Sets the data rate.
* @param dataRate Data rate enum value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setDataRate(eDataRate_t dataRate);
* @fn setEIRP
* @brief Sets the transmission power.
* @param EIRP Transmission power value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setEIRP(uint8_t EIRP);
* @fn setSubBand
* @brief Sets the sub-band.
* @param subBand Sub-band value
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setSubBand(uint8_t subBand);
* @fn enableADR
* @brief Enables or disables Adaptive Data Rate (ADR).
* @param adr If true, enables ADR; if false, disables ADR
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool enableADR(bool adr);
* @fn setDevAddr
* @brief Sets the device address.
* @param devAddr Device address
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setDevAddr(const uint32_t devAddr);
* @fn setAppSKey
* @brief Sets the Application Session Key.
* @param appSKey Application Session Key
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setAppSKey(const char *appSKey);
* @fn setNwkSKey
* @brief Sets the Network Session Key.
* @param nwkSKey Network Session Key
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setNwkSKey(const char *nwkSKey);
* @fn join
* @brief Initiates the LoRaWAN join procedure. The device automatically attempts to join the network.
* @return Returns true if successfully initiated, otherwise false
bool join();
* @fn start
* @brief Starts the device's operation.
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool start();
* @fn setLoRaAddr
* @brief Sets the LoRa address.
* @param addr LoRa address
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setLoRaAddr(uint8_t addr);
* @fn isJoined
* @brief Checks if the device is already joined to the network.
* @return Returns true if joined, otherwise false
bool isJoined();
* @fn sendPacket
* @brief Sends a data packet.
* @param v Value to be sent
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool sendPacket(double v);
bool sendPacket(int32_t v);
bool sendPacket(uint32_t v);
bool sendPacket(void *buffer, uint8_t size);
* @fn sendPacket
* @brief Sends a data packet to a specific address.
* @param addr Destination address
* @param v Value to be sent
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool sendPacket(uint8_t addr, double v);
bool sendPacket(uint8_t addr, int32_t v);
bool sendPacket(uint8_t addr, uint32_t v);
bool sendPacket(uint8_t addr, void *buffer, uint8_t size);
* @fn sendPacket
* @brief Sends a string data packet.
* @param data String data to be sent
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool sendPacket(String data);
* @fn sendPacket
* @brief Sends a string data packet to a specific address.
* @param addr Destination address
* @param data String data to be sent
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool sendPacket(uint8_t addr, String data);
* @fn sendATCmd
* @brief Sends a generic AT command.
* @param cmd Preformatted AT command without \r\n
* @return The response to the AT command
String sendATCmd(String cmd);
* @fn sendATCmdTest
* @brief Sends a test AT command.
* @param cmd Test AT command
* @return The response to the test AT command
String sendATCmdTest(char *cmd);
* @fn setPacketType
* @brief Sets the packet type.
* @param type Packet type (CONFIRMED_PACKET or UNCONFIRMED_PACKET)
* @return Returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool setPacketType(ePacketType_t type = UNCONFIRMED_PACKET);
* @fn getDevEUI
* @brief Retrieves the device EUI.
* @return The device EUI as a string
String getDevEUI();
* @fn getNetID
* @brief Retrieves the network ID.
* @return 3-byte network ID information
uint32_t getNetID();
* @fn getDevAddr
* @brief Retrieves the device address. In OTAA mode, this address is assigned by the gateway.
* @return 4-byte device address information
uint32_t getDevAddr();
* @fn getDataRate
* @brief Retrieves the current data rate.
* @return The current data rate
uint8_t getDataRate();
* @fn getEIRP
* @brief Retrieves the current transmission power.
* @return The current transmission power
uint8_t getEIRP();
* @fn getRSSI
* @brief Retrieves the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
* @return The RSSI value
int16_t getRSSI();
* @fn getSNR
* @brief Retrieves the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
* @return The SNR value
int8_t getSNR();
* @fn atTest
* @brief Executes an AT test command.
* @return The result of the test command
bool atTest();
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino Leonardo | √ | |||
Arduino uno | √ | |||
Arduino MEGA2560 | √ | |||
FireBeetle-ESP32 | √ | |||
Microbit | √ |
- 2024/07/02 - Version 1.0.0 released.
Written by fengli(li.feng@dfrobot.com), 2024.7.2 (Welcome to our website)