- USB_C.kicad_sym
- USB_C.kicad_mod
A much stronger and easier routed footprint than typical.
Combines the data lines. (This may be handy since most installations of a USB-C connector include bridging these together in your design...)
tests 2.kicad_pro is an example of usage for this footprint.
- USB_C(sd).kicad_mod
- USB_A-C_2.0_XT30.kicad_sym
- USB_A+C+XT30.kicad_mod
Allows for USB-A, USB-C or an XT30 connector.
USB-A includes the data lines so it will work for a QC source.
USB-C includes the data lines AND the CC & SBU lines so it will work for a QC or PD source. (as well as whatever the SBU pins are actually for... Closest I've managed to find to a useful description is as Agnd & Mic in "Audio Adapter Accessory Mode".)
the origin of this footprint is now where the centre line meets the board edge.
You can select the model for 3D renders by going into the footprint properties after placing it on your PCB, selecting the "3d Models" tab & enabling whichever model you like.
tests.kicad_pro is an example of usage for this footprint.
- tinySJ-Open.kicad_mod
- tinySJ-Bridged.kicad_mod
The solder jumper footprints that come standard with KiCAD are handy, but massive.
These are not massive.
TinySJ.kicad_pro is an example of usage for this footprint.
- UPDI_connection.kicad_sym
- UPDI.kicad_mod
UPDI.kicad_pro is an example of usage for this footprint.
& the tool that uses this footprint: