GOo aims to port javascript's underscore functionnalities in Golang, because reinventing the wheel is no fun :(
Since it uses generics it is really simple to use.
Each loops through a slice of <any> type.
sl := []int{1, 2, 3}
Each(sl, func(el int, i int, s []int) {
s[i] = el * 2
-> [2 4 6]
The function func(el T, i int, s []T) {}
is common modifier pattern for slice operations.
can be any type.
el T
is the slice element being modified.
i int
is the index of the element el
in the slice.
s []T
is the slice itself.
EachMap loops through a map, order is not guaranteed.
IncrementFunc := func(el int, k string, m map[string]int) {
m[k] += 1
EachMap(myMap, IncrementFunc)
the function func(el T, k U, m map[U]T)
is the equivalent of the slices modifier function for maps.
Same as EachMap but loops using the keys alphanumeric order.
Map each values of a slice through a modifier.
func Map(s []T, fn func(el T) T)
Makes a slice into a single value.
func Reduce(s []T, fn func(mem U, el T) U) U
Makes a map into a single value.
func ReduceMap(m map[U]T, fn func(mem V, k U, el T) V) V
Collects the map keys in a slice.
If you need the keys ordered use KeysOrdered.
func Keys(m map[U]T) []U
func KeysOrdered(m map[U]T) []U
Allocates a copy of the given slice and returns it.
func Clone(s []T) []T
Allocates a copy of the given map and returns it.
func CloneMap(m map[U]T) map[U]T
Removes identical elements from a slice.
func Unique(s []T) []T
Returns the first "true" element from the test function.
func Find(s []T, fn func(el T) bool) (r T)
Returns a new slice with the "true" elements from the filter function.
func Filter(s []T, fn func(el T) bool) []T
Returns a new map with the "true" elements from the filter function.
func FilterMap(m map[U]T, fn func(k U, el T) bool) map[U]T
Returns a boolean if the element k was found in the slice s
func FoundIn(k T, s []T) bool
Returns the index of the found element in the slice or -1.
It also returns a boolean to indicate if the element k was found.
func FoundAt(k T, s []T) (int, bool)
Turns a slice into a map using a function on each slice element to infer its key.
func Index(s []T, fn func(el T) K) map[K]T
Index(myDBEntities, fun(el DBEntity) int {
return el.ID
-> 1: {ID: 1, Name: "One"}
2: {ID: 2, Name: "Two"}
3: ...
Slice elements become the keys in the returned map.
func LookupTable(s []T) map[T]struct{}
sl := []int{1, 2, 3}
-> 1: struct{}
2: struct{}
3: ...