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Sandbox for Git-for-Science Workshop.

Write LaTeX document using Overleaf and Git

Edit Overleaf document

Read and Edit online:

Read only:

Git clone to work offline:

$ git clone

Push my Overleaf document to my GitHub repo

Create a Git repo on GitHub and clone it:

# Please create your own ... just showing the example with my sandbox
$ git clone
$ cd gitforscience-sandbox


Create you own local Git repo:

 $ mkdir gitforscience-sandbox
 $ cd gitforscience-sandbox
 $ git init

Add the overleaf git repo as remote:

$ git remote add overleaf
$ git remote -v

Make your repo identical to the overleaf repo. Be careful with this ... you will loose everything on your local master branch:

$ git reset --hard overleaf/master
# push it to your remote origin master ... if you have a remote
$ git push --force

Update Overleaf document with local changes

Edit your Overleaf document locally:

$ atom main.tex  # choose your favorite LaTeX editor

Commit your changes:

 $ git status
 $ git commit -a -m "update"
 $ git push   # push to remote origin master if you have one

Push your changes to Overleaf:

$ git pull overleaf master
$ git push overleaf master

Merge changes and handle conflicts

First edit Overleaf document and the local document at different sections. Update your changes with the remote overleaf document. Changes will be merged automatically.

Now make edits at the same text line locally and in overleaf. Update your changes again but this time you will need to solve a merge conflict.

Tag a version

With git you can tag a version:

$ git tag 0.1
$ git push --tags  # push all tags to your remote

Use this tag to create a release on GitHub:

Going further ...

Create a DOI to reference your paper

Using an online service you can create automatically a DOI for your paper on GitHub whenever you make a new release:

Handle large files with Git

Version controls are made for coding and can handle text files very well. They can be used for binary files as well but this has some limitations. You can use Git LFS extension on GitHub to get around these limitations. Large binary files will then be stored in an external storage and not in the Git repo itself. The Git repo has only pointers to these files.

But I have to use Word!

Not a good choice ... but possible:

Resolve merge conflict with docx:







Doc Converters:

Good Alternatives to LaTeX:

Using Overleaf with Jupyter Notebooks: