django social media app with these features:
- signup, login and old registered users are saved by cookies
- posts, comments, replies, snippets (reply for a reply) with 6 reacts for each
- share post
- groups and pages like facebook
- real time notifications and friend requests
- profile
- search and saving the searched objects like fb if you searched for a profile and found it, you'll find it easily in the search histor and redirect you to it's page
- you can edit snippets (post, comment...etc) or delete them as well
- used rest APIS to be compatible with other frameworks like react, flutter
- posts can have multiple medias like pics or videos
- comments, replies snippet with maximum one snippet
- real time chat, with multiple media each message, reply on message, block
- anonymous chat you can't know who sent you a messageg but users can disable it
- profile with pic, cover and bio
- save posts, activate notifications for posts